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pplk., Mgr. Jakub Škoda, kpt., Ing. Stanislav Kopecký

This article is focusing on international cooperation in the field of fire investigation. Authors have analyzed approaches on fire investigation system in different countries. Main part of this article consist of summary of experiences gained from Netherlands and United States of America and option of applicating them in Czech fire investigation system. In addition it also describes contribution of Czech fire investigators for CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group both in a past and for a future.

Ing. Katarína Janková, NATURAL SOLUTIONS, s.r.o.

Nature represents for people their natural environment from which they evolved and which they had to adapt to survive. People lived in synergy with nature and perceived it with all the senses from time to time. However, with the progressive development of mankind, this relationship has been ostracized - either as a result of massive urbanization, industrialization, or technological change. This has resulted to such an extent that today we spend over 90% of our time in an artificially created environment. Biophilic design as a tool to reconnect people with nature plays an irreplaceable role in view of the significant positive benefits of this link.

Aktuální evropské trendy v oblasti požárně bezpečnostních zařízení
plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

The paper focuses on current European trends in the application of some new and innovative types of fire safety devices, preventing the initiation of fire or explosion and detection systems. The article also deals with the issue of placing these construction products on the market.

Ing. Dagmar Kopačková, Ph.D., redakce

Open-space they do not work, and they will be replaced by coffee shops in the future, says British Telecommunications futurist Nicole Millard quoted by The Daily Telegraph.

Ing. Zdeněk Čežík, konzultant managementu a pracovních procesů

This article draws on a survey published in FlexJobs 5th Annual Super Survey where the key message not only for employers and office planners is that the flexibility of work is cited as the most important factor in the workplace in 80% of respondents to this survey.

Ing. Jiří Novotný, doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D.

Assessing energy performance of the building is also done from the point of view of the need for non-renewable primary energy. A common layman probably does not know what this means. At the same time, the need for non-renewable primary energy fundamentally influences the design of energy sources for heating, cooling, hot water preparation, etc. for a particular building. The need for non-renewable primary energy is one of the three main energy performance indicators of a building, and if it is assessed as too large, the building can not be validated.

Ing. Imrich Sánka, Stavebná fakulta STU Bratislava, Katedra Technických zariadení budov

This study investigates the impact of energy renovation on the indoor air quality of apartment building during heating season. The study was performed in one residential building before and after its renovation. Energy audit was performed and energy certificate was calculated for the renovated and the non renovated condition of the dwelling. Objective measurements of CO2 concentration have been used for the evaluation. The average concentrations was much higher after the refurbishment. The air exchange rate was calculated, which was higher in the unrenovated apartments. This study shows that energy renovation of the residential buildings in Slovakia may reduce the quality of the indoor environment in the apartments especially in winter season.
Maintaining a healthy indoor environment requires much more intense air exchange after the reconstruction of the house as it is achieved. Although this is related to energy consumption, it is otherwise endangered by the health of the user. Reducing the thermal energy consumption of the house to the detriment of the quality of the indoor environment and the health of the users of the dwellings can not therefore be considered as a saving and can not be calculated when assessing the energy savings of the building's heating system after reconstruction.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

At the beginning of the new school year, we would like to draw attention to the book Ventilation Schools in Contexts. All parents want their children to be successful at school. It also depends on class ventilation. We bring a selection from the chapters of the new publication.

Bytové domy v Praze © TZB-info
Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

The definition of what is a common part of a residential building is essential especially when modifying the building structures and eliminating defects that affect both a common part and residential units. How common parts are defined affects who finances the modifications and reconstructions of such structures and parts. The definition of common parts is based on the new Civil Code (No. 89/2012 Coll.) and on the already abolished Act on Ownership of Housing (No. 72/1994 Coll.).

Administrativní budova Tamedia v Curychu
doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Lukáš Velebil, Ing. arch. Bc. Anna Gregorová

At present, there is growing interest in the realization of multi-storey wooden buildings. In the case of multi-storey wooden buildings, their safety, stiffness and acoustics are of key importance. The submitted paper focuses on the issue of fire safety of multi-storey wooden buildings, which is currently the subject of major discussions.

JUDr. Alena Kučerová

Do you have a CCTV installed in your apartment building? What will happen to you in 2018, when the new European legal framework for the protection of personal data, which is the General Regulation 2016/679, comes into force.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

The parameters and characteristics obtained from the laboratory test are used to compare products in terms of performance and efficiency. The results also serve for the correct design and evaluation of the year-round behavior of the element built into the entire thermal system.

Jarmila Trčková, vedoucí rozúčtovacího oddělení společnosti ista Česká republika, ista Česká republika s.r.o.

The article deals with the definition of consumer and basic heating rate. It is recommended to use the ratio of 50 % basic nad 50 % consumer rate or 60 % consumer and 40 % basic if individual heat meters are used.

Jarmila Trčková, vedoucí rozúčtovacího oddělení společnosti ista Česká republika, ista Česká republika s.r.o.

For individual payment calculation for hot water we need an invoice from heat supplier with the total cost of the property in CZK and with the amount of GJ. In addition, we need the water supplier invoice, which includes the total cost of water and sewerage. For the calculation then we need water consumption from water meters.

Ing. Tomáš Melichar, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc.

The article presents research into the effect of carbon nanotubes in the blended polymer-silicate matrix containing raw materials from alternative sources. The intention was testing of several variations of mixture composition at the laboratory and also extreme temperature ambient. Assessing the suitability of the matrix composition was carried out by using both basic physico-mechanical parameters and then microstructural analysis methods (on selected samples).

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Koller, Ph.D.

The paper describes briefly the problems of temperature measurements during fire tests. To verify the standard requirement an experiment was conducted with three K type thermocouples (TC) of different diameters of wires and lengths of connected cables. TCs were inserted gradually into the el. heating furnace heated at the temperature of 800 ° C with records over time until reaching maximal steady state temperature; TCs were subsequently removed from the furnace and again with recording temperatures during cooling to the room temperature. The results are shown in the table and graphs. The experiments have confirmed that the sensitivity /response of TC to fluctuating temperatures of the gaseous medium depends on the diameter of the TC. It is obvious that these findings could have practical use in the field of fire protection.

Industrial building, průmyslová budova
Ing. Jiří Cihlář, CEVRE Consultants s.r.o.

Mandatory standard of building design – nearly energy zero starts for larger industrial buildings from 1st January 2018. This will have a major impact, especially in the design of the building envelope. This article analyzes whether the current setting of requirements of this building standard is technically and economically achievable. Analysis is based on typical industrial building.

Peter Homola, Asociace výrobců kabelů a vodičů ČR a SR

In case of free laid cables which are not covered by plaster it is required that the & nbsp; designated fire compartments had isolation with reduced content of halogens causing formation of harmful substances such as hydrogen chloride when the cables are exposed to fire.

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