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Miroslava Ševčíková, Vědecko-výzkumný uhelný ústav (VVUÚ) Ostrava Radvanice

In this article, we focus on fundamental element of primary protection – detection devices for registering the rise of hazardous concentrations of gases and vapors. We have chosen and described for each type of device and kind of detected gas basic tests that are necessary for ensuring their correct and reliable function.

Ilustrační obrázek © Dmitry Vereshchagin -
Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

The article briefly introduces basic technical terminology, errors and computational algorithms for estimating uncertainty of type A, type B, combined and extended uncertainty of test results and that the test management performs the tasks specified in the standard ČSN EN ISO / IEC 17025.

Ing. Jan Široký, Ph.D., Energocentrum Plus, s.r.o.

In recent years, we have seen a steady increase in the amount of data that is measured and recorded by measurement and control systems. Typically, these are hundreds to tens of thousands of readings per building. The question arises as to whether these data are properly utilized, extracted. The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities provided by current technologies and analytical software tools for evaluating data measurements related to the operation of heating systems.

Ing. Jan Blažíček

The popular uprising is not about; the talk is about the scientific revolution. Paradigms are temporary in science, and the scientific revolution is a radical reversal that usually changes. And one such change is on the horizon, and it concerns the allocation of heat costs.

prof. Ing. Martin Jiránek, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební

The article describes all significant changes in the field of designing and implementing radon protective and remedial measures introduced by the revised version of ČSN 73 0601, which came into force on 1.10.2019. A new way of selecting measures according to the building type and new concept of designing according to the design values of input parameters are introduced. A new methodology for designing radon-proof insulations is described in detail. According to this methodology, only insulation with a radon resistance greater than the prescribed minimum radon resistance can be used for building protection.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

The paper shows the difference in the economic parameters of the use of heat pumps in multi-dwelling buildings between the case of reconstruction and new building. The examples show the balances of two specific studies prepared in 2017 and 2018 for customers. While heat pumps in apartment building reconstructions can be advantageous only at relatively high energy prices above 700 CZK / GJ, in new buildings they can be an economical source of heat.

Parametrická štúdia tepelnej bilancie budovy, ilustrační snímek © Büros -
prof. Ing. Ivan Chmúrny, PhD., Stavebná fakulta STU Bratislava, Katedra konštrukcií pozemných stavieb

Increasing the thermal insulation properties of walls, roofs, floors and windows has a positive effect on reducing heat loss and energy need for heating. However, when assessing the energy need for cooling in buildings with conditioned indoor environment, this tendency to increase the thermal insulation capability may lead to an increase the energy need for cooling, when measures to reduce heat gains by transparent structures are not applied.

Ing. Jan Blažíček

Decree No. 269/2015 Coll. I consider it one of the worst regulations I have ever encountered. I start from the experience of people who asked me for advice on what to do when they have winter at home and yet the highest share of heating costs in the whole house. At first I bet on the effect of heat parasitizing unoccupied neighboring apartments, but then I thought of looking at positional coefficients.

Prof. Ing. Pavol Ďurica, CSc., Ing. Peter Barňák

In the contribution, we are focused on the quality of the heat-moisture microclimate and the aspects that affect it. We chose one office room in the building of the Research Center of the University of Žilina (UNIZA), oriented to the west. The subject of the measurements were all physical components of the indoor environment, the effect of solar radiation through window constructions and floor temperatures using low-temperature radiant floor heating. The contribution describes measuring methods, results of measurements and related partial conclusions for cold climatic conditions of the year.

Ing. Jan Blažíček

Unfortunately, the fairness in the allocation of the cost of heating flats in multi-dwelling buildings is most often taken by people who have no idea on what principles the heating of these houses is based. Out of ignorance they then create a problem where it is not at all, and to build a “solution” to construct a bizarre structure. The problem is that the field of heating revolves around the physical quantities of heat and temperature, whose names sound very similar in Czech, and therefore people often confuse them, even though they are completely different in meaning.

Ing. Ondřej Horák, prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

The paper deals with the comparison of real energy consumption with values calculated in the Energy Performance Certificate (PENB) for two buildings: New low-energy family house and older apartment building. In both cases, these are wooden buildings. Subsequently, basic differences between the card and the reality in terms of energy consumption are defined in the form of house use coefficients.

Ing. Kateřina Kubrichtová, prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

The article deals with BIM technology in co-operation with design of HVAC. The theme is divided into two related parts. The first part describes the complex issues related to BIM technology and its implementation in TZB practice. In the second part there is a practical way of comparing the calculation of heat losses according to CSN EN and using the BIM tool.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

The standard is used to calculate water heaters and to evaluate the energy of hot water systems. It is one of the basic standards for designers of sanitary installations and heating.

Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

The paper presents results of a study on potential reduction of CO2 emissions of the Czech national building stock until 2075. The calculations were based on datasets provided by Chance for Buildings that modeled five different scenarios of energy savings in the Czech building stock that varied by the depth of the energy retrofitting measures and by the pace of their application. The results were compared to the carbon budget that was set in line with the objectives of the Paris agreement.

Ing. Lenka Prokšová Zuská, doc. Ing. Michal Kabrhel, Ph.D., Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The study deals with the measurement of microclimatic (indoor climatic) parameters and questionnaire survey in open-space offices. It describes the building, the air conditioning system and the parameters that have been assessed in the space. The paper shows the problems associated with the assessment of the thermal-humidity microclimate according to the subjective feelings of the occupants. It is an introductory work to the analysis of objective and subjective assessment in the space with uneven thermal-humidity microclimate.

Ing. Lenka Mičechová, prof. Ing. Ján Mikolaj, PhD.

The paper is focused on the evaluation of the possibilities using the diagnosis of building objects and outcomes of the mobile 3D scanning process of existing objects and their software transformation using Building Information Modeling (BIM). Emphasis is placed on the creation of building object based on the point cloud determined by 3D mobile mapping. The main objective was to process measured data from mobile mapping, import data into the Autodesk Revit program and create a BIM model. A partial objective was to compare the resulting object originating from the point cloud to the existing project documentation. Conclusion of the paper is evaluating the process through SWOT analysis.

Ing. Pavel Rybář, předseda stálé pracovní skupiny Požární prevence a zástupce České asociace pojišťoven ve Výboru evropských pojistitelů CEA

The article describes the characteristics of individual types of fixed fire extinguishing systems and shows why sprinkler protection is considered dominant in the fire protection of non-productive buildings.

Bezpečnostní systém. Provozovatel velínu. Bezpečnostní video dohled s pozorovatelem a monitorem obrazovky. Zdroj: Adobe Stock images
Ing. Miroslav Urban, Michal Randa

Feeling safe affects our daily lives, is one of the basic human needs and affects the quality of life. Security is a seemingly clear and simple field. But the question is how to distinguish the quality offered from fraudulent pretense?

kpt., Ing. Stanislav Kopecký, pplk., Mgr. Jakub Škoda, kpt.,Ing. Jaroslav Řepík

The current trend of research is concerned with the multi-compartment fire dynamics – the dynamics of a fire which spreads through multiple rooms, such as a house or multiple-room flat. It is based on the results obtained from the one room fire dynamics researches, but in dealing with this cases much more variables need to be considered. This complicated process facilitates mathematical modeling and tests fires in laboratories. We bring some integrated outputs that will surely be useful for practice.

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