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Facility management
Archiv článků od 8.12.2014 do 10.8.2015

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Ivana Nohová, 2. viceprezidentka PKPO

The effort is most builders to get the cheapest project documentation and stamp for start of construction. Little attention has been paid to its proper location. Construction practice is to sit as close to the fence with a neighbor to remain more space for the garden. It should be noted that, under the refers to the construction of any building works that arise construction or assembly technology, regardless of their technical construction design, used in building products, materials and construction, the purpose and duration of use. Under construction is also considered to be a product performing the function of the building. It does not matter if the building is connected to the ground as often by professionals and lay people hear.

Mgr. Luděk Šikola, Mgr. David Štamberk

Part I of the article is a general discussion of the current laws covering the institution called “smlouva o dílo” (the “contract for a work”). It discusses the issue of defining the work, which has changed relative to the old Civil Code in that the work no longer needs a material expression. It also discusses the options for setting a price for the work, as well as the concluding of such a contract without setting a price. There is a detailed section on budget-based price determination, which is especially useful in the construction industry.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

Facility management belongs to one of the most important methods, significantly contributing to enhancing the competitiveness of organizations in the European Union. But only if, facility management services are performed efficiently. To assess the effectiveness of facility management exist within the EU common methodology or standardized methods for data collection for evaluation. To achieve the evaluation of products and services Facility Management was created – European standard 15221-7 Guidelines for benchmarking performance.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., ČVUT Praha

According to the statistics of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, fires in apartment houses are among the most frequent tragedies. Therefore, it is necessary to pay them due attention. Their cause is often the incorrect execution of building construction disrespecting fire safety aspects.

Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí, Univerzitní Centru energeticky Efektivních Budov ČVUT v Praze

The paper deals with measurement of high surface temperatures by thermography method. The author verified by several experiments the theoretical assumptions of usability of contactless measurement of high temperatures. The experimental verification is focused on spectral sensitivity range of contactless devices and on application of special coating on measured surface. The ending of the paper is devoted to the influence of boundary conditions on the accuracy of the measurement.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

The european standard 15221-6 STN EN 15221-6 Facility management – area and space measurement in facility management provides a constructive framework with clear terms, definitions and principles for measuring floor areas and spaces in buildings, not least a common language amongst all stakeholders in the entire construction industry.

Ing. Daniela Hurtíková, Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, Katedra technických zariadení budov

Since the oil crisis of the seventies, the interest given to buildings physics, indoor climate and energy use has strongly increased. Outside air quality in the cities in developed countries has improved significantly in recent decades. During the same period, also the quality of indoor environment has reduced. It is the impact of energy savings, reduced ventilation and the introduction of many new materials and sources of indoor pollution.

The indoor environment of buildings is that part of the environment in which the person is immediately acted on by the construction of the building, its technical equipments, including environmental equipments and a whole set of factors of internal environment. Comfortable indoor environment is essential to productivity, happiness and satisfaction of building users. European standards provide guidelines for what should be comfortable in terms of indoor climate. However, there is often a contradiction between the theory mentioned in these instructions, and real comfort for the user of the building.

Standards and guidelines for estimating the required minimum ventilation rates that we have today are not completed. The objective is to be able to calculate a straight the required ventilation rate, such as calculations for cooling and calculations for heat loads.

This paper is devoted to the assessment of the indoor environment of the building based on the individual components of the microclimate.

Ing. Daniela Hurtíková, Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, Katedra technických zariadení budov

The directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD, 2003) of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Energy Performance of Buildings (“Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive”, EPBD) was adopted after a lively discussion at all levels and with the full support of all Member States and the European Parliament on 16th December 2002 with the entry into force on 4th January 2003. The EPBD is considered a very important component of the legislative activities of the European Union aimed at energy efficiency, which is designed to meet the Kyoto Protocol and satisfies the requirements arising from the Green Papers on security of energy supply.

A recent European Commission Concerted Action focuses on energy performance (“Delivering potential”, October 2006) provides for energy efficiency in the building sector as a top priority. It foresees a key role in the implementation of the EPBD savings potential in the building sector, which is estimated at 28 %, and which may reduce the overall energy consumption in the European Union by about 11 % [2].

This paper is devoted to the various parts of the energy evaluation of buildings according to current European standards.

Prediktivní regulátor MPC (Model-based predictive control) využívá předpověď počasí a matematický model řízené budovy a minimalizuje plánovaný ener- getický výdej při dodržení požadovaného tepelného komfortu, obr. Domat
Domat Control System s.r.o.

This year’s ISH fair (Installation, Sanitär, Heizung), held on March 10 to 14, 2015 in Frankfurt, Germany, had a slogan “Comfort meets technology”. It means that the companies aim to supply not only technologically advanced products, but also products with comfortable and easy operation. For systems and components for HVAC controls it means primarily easy-to-understand user interfaces with clean design. It showed primarily at room units, thermostats, and lights and blinds controllers with touchscreens and housings of simple shapes. Regarding system integrators, the point was in making configuration tools easy, and bringing part of the decision-making process to the engineering tools, thus cut down the engineering and commissioning time. Many booths claimed energy savings and energy management, which mostly meant classical SCADA systems and metering data acquisition, as energy management is expert activity, for which the SCADA and communication systems just provide the input data.

Domat Control System backed the hands-on experience this time. Visitors could try engineering and configuration tools at two test desks with both popular controllers (FC010, UC100, IPLC) and news like mark100 to markMX process stations range, programmable in Merbon IDE, the new engineering tool, which supports function blocks (FB) and structured text (ST) as well as compiling of customized function blocks. “Customers like especially support of standard communication protocols, like Modbus, OPC, and BACnet, together with more than 50 system drivers for third party systems, all of this well priced. The Domat components are used not only at homogenous building control systems, but also as a way how to integrate other technologies into third party SCADAs and management systems,” says Michal Šeda, head of product sales department. “With the most active distributors, Vedotech and S+S Regeltechnik, we discussed the market situation and acquired inspiration for further development.” Visitors were also attracted by a new room unit with hi-res colour touchscreen.

Domat Control System s.r.o. is Czech manufacturer of HVAC and energy control systems. The company was established in 2004, starting activities in energy management and control in 2008 by supplies of photovoltaic monitoring systems. About 55 % of the volume in 2013 was export.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Bc. Andrea Wagnerová

Pool water treatment is associated with a dose of disinfectants. Chlorine is the most common disinfectant, which is used for treatment of swimming pool water. Nowadays chlorine-free disinfections are tested, however chlorine is used in various forms for swimming pool water disinfection about 100 years. The article discusses the use of chlorine preparations for swimming pool water disinfection and giving practical examples of water disinfection in six swimming pool campuses.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

European standard 15221-5 Guidance on processes of facility management provides guidance to FM organisations on the development and improvement of their processes to support the primary processes. This will support organisational development, innovation and improvement and will form a foundation for the further Professional development of FM and its advancement in Europe.
The standard also sets out basic principles, describes high-level generic facility management processes, lists strategic, tactical and operational processes and provides examples of process workflows.

Ing. Jana Ciencialová, IKA DATA, spol. s .r.o.

The essential data needed for the calculation of the Certificate of energy performance (PENB) are the data arising from the documentation of the construction. Providing that there is no documentation available, it is necessary to draw it up. The specialist makes a simplified electronic documentation containing all the necessary information to calculate the PENB. The gathered data from the drawing is stored in the database of the CAFM system ARCHIBUS. The data from the 3D BIM model can be placed into the same charts, therefore this database can gather this data independently of whether it was created based on electronic documentation in 2D or 3D models. The creation of the certificate is automatic.

Ing. Petr Žák, Ph.D., ČVUT FEL, Praha

We have been paying attention to the Issues of energy consumption and energy savings for many years. Due to discussion of global warming and its impacts in the last decade it is expected to implement procedures relating to energy efficiency in buildings and its evaluation in practice faster. The paper deals with the relationship between the photometric parameters and energy intensity lighting and discusses possible directions in search for energy-efficient lighting systems.

Ing. Stanislav Toman, Projektová kancelář ÚT+VZT

The published paper summarizes the crucial information about the actual topic – garage ventilation in the Czech Republic. The contribution is divided into three parts, due to the broad scope of the matters. The series of the papers is based on the legal and normative enactments. It reflects the new situation of natural gas powered vehicles parking possibilities and it discusses every ventilation system which can be found in garages. It deals with design principles of service ventilation, definition of emergency ventilation and basics of fire ventilation. The paper also deals with related issues such as control systems, operating regimes, detection and monitoring of pollutants, explosive atmosphere risk assessment and protocol determining external influences. The contribution is aimed not only to HVAC designers, but also to architects and designers of all related construction fields. Valuable information can be found also by the other interested groups such as investors, developers, suppliers, operators, building authorities, involved state administration bodies, etc.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

The main aim of facility management is to create an optimal environment for users of building. This can ensure by quality operation and maintenance of buildings. Important tool for the facility manager, who is a carrier of effective building management, from the aspect of the continuous operation of the building is the Manual for the use of the building.

doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, Ph.D.; Ing. Gabriela Kocourková, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav stavební ekonomiky a řízení

The aim of the paper is to analyze the current situation in the use of traditional and new methods of standardization work in the construction industry. The questionnaire survey will be used for the analysis with subsequent statistical evaluation. This work will serve as an initial basis for mapping the current situation and finding problematic areas.

The current economic crisis is forcing construction companies to save. At the same time wastage on construction sites and in construction has not faded. Analysis and measurement of work not only manual, but also mental, therefore, gets back to the fore.
Currently normative base for construction works is outdated and needs to be updated. New technologies and materials provide to the construction output completely different performance options and performance standards, than it was almost 30 years ago, when it was created normative base used until now for the pricing of construction work in the Czech Republic.
This article presents the current situation in the use of traditional and new methods of standardization work in the construction industry.

Ing. Eva Wernerová Beránková, doc. Ing. František Kuda, CSc., Fakulta stavební VŠB – TU Ostrava

The article deals with one of the essential documentation for the operation of buildings, and as-built documentation. The aim of this paper is to present documentation as a basis for further development of operational documentation, and contributes to each well to that used and operated building. The article presents possibilities for the documentation used in practice and how to deal with it during the life cycle of the building. The article also lists ways of processing and updates.

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