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Facility management
Archiv článků od 23.7.2018 do 18.3.2019

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Ing. Kamil Laco, PhD., Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, Katedra betónových konštrukcií a mostov

BIM processes have brought to the design process improvement in co-ordination between different professions and, in the case of the statics profession, facilitating the creation of a load-bearing structure model. The duplicate work was removed, where the same structural elements had to be modeled by two offices, both architectural and static. In addition, these models are now interconnected and coordinated. In this article, we will present the entire process on a project of the load-bearing structure of a set of apartment buildings with a common underground floor. It is designed on the basis of current European standards using BIM processes for its design and drawing documentation.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

Facility management contributes to the smooth running of the organization's core business, helping to create a quality work environment for workers, a prerequisite for increasing performance, improving work quality, reducing health outcomes and stress factors.

Ing. Miroslava Kmecová, doc. Ing. Michal Krajčík, Ph.D., Mgr. Jozef Vojtaššák

The removal of heat and combustion products in the underground garage of the commercial and entertainment center was solved by the smoke clearing system. In the garage, vacuum ventilation was considered. The difference between the exhaust and the intake air was 20%.

Ing. Jan Vidim

Measuring and control devices as well as other HVAC systems, run through their lifecycle, at the end of which the system needs to be reconstructed. A key condition for a successful retrofit is to determine the required life of the refurbished equipment.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

Facility management contributes to the smooth running of the organization's core business, helping to create a quality work environment for workers, a prerequisite for increasing performance, improving work quality, reducing health problems and stress factors.

RNDr. Jan Baxa , Ph.D., Head of Asset Management CA Immo Real Estate Management Czech Republic s.r.o.

In the case of building management, innovation is mainly used to improve the quality of the indoor environment and the comfort of people in the bulding. The role of the energy management of buildings is getting to a whole new position, where each measure is considered not only by looking at money and financial savings, but also by performance and above all health of people.

© bannafarsai -
prof. Ing. Milan Holický, Ph.D., DrSc., Kloknerův ústav ČVUT v Praze

The upcoming CEN Technical Specification (TS) on assessment of existing structures is related to the fundamental concepts and requirements of the current generation of EN Eurocodes. The final draft of the Technical specification was already submitted to the technical committee CEN TC250 in April 2018. The document concerns all types of buildings, bridges and construction works, including geotechnical structures, exposed to all kinds of actions. It contains requirements, general framework of assessment, data updating, structural analysis, different verification methods (partial factors, probabilistic methods, risk assessment), interventions, heritage building. The submitted contribution provides background information on the principles accepted in the final draft of TS and practical examples of applications of existing structures including panel buildings.

doc. Ing. Milan Ostrý, Ph.D., FAST VUT v Brně, Ústav pozemního stavitelství

Paper deals with the definition of energy flexible building, its impact on the stability of the grid with the planned increasing share of energy from renewable sources and the possibility of using the heat storage capacity of building structures. Paper further analyzes the selected methodology for evaluation of the energy flexibible building and gives an example of thermally activated building structures.

doc. Ing. František Kuda, CSc., Ing. Eva Wernerová, Ph.D.

The subject of the paper is the process of introducing BIM into existing buildings. The BIM model is created either during the preparation of a new investment order or it can be implemented in the phase of operation and use. The aim of the paper is to approach this complex and demanding process and to define the important factors influencing its successful implementation.

Ing. Stanislav Cáb, Ing. Martina Šeděnková

In the introductory part of the article are described mechanisms of landfill gas formation and the analysis of its characteristic properties. The following is an analysis of possible gas accumulation and the balance of the possibility of a dangerous explosive atmosphere occurance.

Doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, PhD.,FAST - VUT Brno a Ing. Michal Prak, E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o.

The article focuses on the implementation of the International Standard ISO 50001 – Energy Management Systems. Practical examples illustrate the tools and procedures to meet the prerequisite of the above-mentioned norm, namely reducing energy intensity and greenhouse gas emissions.

Ing. Petr Wolf, Ph.D., Ing. Sofiane Kichou, Ing. Marek Maška

In July 2018, a two-year monitoring of the FENIX Group a.s. in Jeseník. During this time, different battery operating modes were applied to test their capabilities to ensure the power operation of the object. This article describes the entire period in terms of energy flows in the building. The key parameters are energy consumption, supply to the grid, self-sufficiency of the building from the photovoltaic source and its local use. A number of articles have been written about the building, detailing the building and energy aspects [1, 2]. Therefore, the description of the energy economy in the building will be given only to the extent necessary for a general view of the building's energy.

Ing. Ondřej Štrup, FM Institute, s.r.o.

Since 2007, the European Standard ČSN EN 15221 has been applied. Its first two parts have grown to the current 7 parts. In the spring of this year, ISO 41001 “Facility management” was officially issued, which culminated in the first phase of completing the ISO 41000 global standard.

Ing. Václav Vystrčil, Ing. Romana Friedrichová, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Suchý, Ph.D.

This paper will present a survey of the ladder safety from a firefighter point of view, the analysis of the standard and proposing possible modifications of the standard, analytical analysis of ladder composition by optical emission spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and current large-dimensional tests carried out in the Technical Institute of Fire Protection and the objectives we would like to achieve in the research project.

doc. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kabelková, garantka projektu POČÍTÁME S VODOU

Where is the biggest obstacle to implementing rainwater management? What is the right motivation? What is the effect of the exemption from the drainage water drainage payment? What are the experiences with plants on building façades? And what are the investment and operating costs of a green roof?

Ing. Michal Faltejsek, Fakulta stavební, VŠB - TU Ostrava

Smart management is an important part of the Smart Cities concept. Facility management applied in the commercial sector is a functioning platform that has already gained its place in the company. It deals not only with property management but also with work with people so that the place in which they work and live should be the place with the best conditions for them. This principle should be applied more so in municipal self-government. Municipal management is also deal with about ensuring these "ideal" conditions, but also about property management. And these processes need to be combined, connected and optimized very handy and efficient. However, there is a lot of activity associated with it, so just as in facility management, it can be helped by quality software support.

doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D, Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D.

Steam dampening and air heaters are the most common air conditioning in the winter. Steam dampening has its hygienic advantages but also technical drawbacks.

doc. Ing. Dalibor Vytlačil, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, Katedra inženýrské informatiky, Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

Energy consumption in residential buildings depends on the quality of building stock. Besides external conditions, there are two basic factors influencing future energy consumption – the technical requirements for new-built buildings and the refurbishment rate of the existing building stock. The paper presents an approach which integrates both strategies into one dynamic model. The main outputs are the amount of refurbished buildings and the energy consumption in the whole building stock. The model allows to estimate these results according to the quality of new-built buildings and at the same time it is possible to set up a strategy for the second option reducing the energy demand of buildings, i.e. the refurbishment of existing building stock. In the case of refurbishment, the key parameters for the decision about implementation of proposed improvements in buildings are usually the energy prices and the level of subsidy. Decrease in energy prices will change the financial profit from a project and it will consequently influence the owner decision about the refurbishment of a building. The model is based on system dynamics. It allows for a large scope of boundary conditions to be simulated. A sensitivity analysis has been performed on the input parameters having major influence on the owners’ decision about refurbishment of the existing building stock.

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