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Archiv článků od 9.1.2017 do 15.5.2017

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Jarmila Trčková, vedoucí rozúčtovacího oddělení společnosti ista Česká republika, ista Česká republika s.r.o.

The article deals with the definition of consumer and basic heating rate. It is recommended to use the ratio of 50 % basic nad 50 % consumer rate or 60 % consumer and 40 % basic if individual heat meters are used.

Jarmila Trčková, vedoucí rozúčtovacího oddělení společnosti ista Česká republika, ista Česká republika s.r.o.

For individual payment calculation for hot water we need an invoice from heat supplier with the total cost of the property in CZK and with the amount of GJ. In addition, we need the water supplier invoice, which includes the total cost of water and sewerage. For the calculation then we need water consumption from water meters.

Ing. Tomáš Melichar, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc.

The article presents research into the effect of carbon nanotubes in the blended polymer-silicate matrix containing raw materials from alternative sources. The intention was testing of several variations of mixture composition at the laboratory and also extreme temperature ambient. Assessing the suitability of the matrix composition was carried out by using both basic physico-mechanical parameters and then microstructural analysis methods (on selected samples).

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Koller, Ph.D.

The paper describes briefly the problems of temperature measurements during fire tests. To verify the standard requirement an experiment was conducted with three K type thermocouples (TC) of different diameters of wires and lengths of connected cables. TCs were inserted gradually into the el. heating furnace heated at the temperature of 800 ° C with records over time until reaching maximal steady state temperature; TCs were subsequently removed from the furnace and again with recording temperatures during cooling to the room temperature. The results are shown in the table and graphs. The experiments have confirmed that the sensitivity /response of TC to fluctuating temperatures of the gaseous medium depends on the diameter of the TC. It is obvious that these findings could have practical use in the field of fire protection.

Industrial building, průmyslová budova
Ing. Jiří Cihlář, CEVRE Consultants s.r.o.

Mandatory standard of building design – nearly energy zero starts for larger industrial buildings from 1st January 2018. This will have a major impact, especially in the design of the building envelope. This article analyzes whether the current setting of requirements of this building standard is technically and economically achievable. Analysis is based on typical industrial building.

Peter Homola, Asociace výrobců kabelů a vodičů ČR a SR

In case of free laid cables which are not covered by plaster it is required that the & nbsp; designated fire compartments had isolation with reduced content of halogens causing formation of harmful substances such as hydrogen chloride when the cables are exposed to fire.

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Koller, Ph.D.

This paper describes extinguishing experiments to verify the possibility of increasing the efficiency of extinguishing low, medium and high pressure water mist charging by the electric field of high DC voltage. The experimental results confirmed the effects of the electrical voltage, the configuration of electrodes (anode, cathode), the volumetric water flow rate, water pressure and the type of mist nozzle. Higher extinguishing effect electrically charged water mist to extinguish showed a shorter times to extinguishment, a smaller volume of water to extinguish the fire and extinguishing a higher percentage of successful attempts. Benefit: faster and more efficient fire- fighting with less risk of injury and less consequential damages in a protected space.

průmyslová budova s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie
Ing. Jiří Cihlář, CEVRE Consultants s.r.o.

Design of building envelope, that means layers of so called boundary constructions; is the key procedure within the design process. It might seem that this step is crucial only for industrial buildings with low-energy ambitions or those that are intended for international environmental certification. This article is focusing on valid Czech legal requirements and also on the coming nearly energy zero standard of buildings.

Ing. Eva Šopíková, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Vymlátil, Ph.D., prof. Ing. František Wald, CSc., Ing. Anna Kuklíková, Ph.D.

This report presents a new method for designing composite timber steel-fibre-reinforced concrete slabs with unprotected secondary timber beams subject to fire, taking tensile membrane action into account. The FE-model consists of material tests, push-out shear tests and beam tests, which had formed a preliminary study. The FE-model represents the behaviour of the floor slab tested in experiment, together with a collapse prediction for the slab. The FE-model with characteristic material properties includes a safety concept based on the Eurocode standards, and is applied to define the fire resistance of various types of timber steel fibre-reinforced concrete flooring.

Ing. Jiří Cihlář, CEVRE Consultants s.r.o.

Energy efficiency of industrial buildings in not very common topic. However, the quality of design must be based on valid national legislation and technical standards. Task to achieve best energy ratings is more and more frequently laid on building designer and energy specialist directly from investor – developer.

Bc. Richard Paksi, Ing. Karel Struhala

This two-part paper deals with the topic of environmental effectiveness of buildings. The goal of the paper is evaluation of expected embodied environmental impacts related with a detached family house. First part of the paper describes the evaluated building and used methods. Seven currently common variants of load-bearing structures (walls and floors) are described and compared. Five variants include masonry, while the sixth and seventh variant includes cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures. The evaluation follows Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology according to ČSN EN 15978 standard. The results of the evaluation are shown in the second part of the paper. Under the specified boundary conditions the variant with ceramic masonry filled with mineral wool has 5–14 % lower environmental impacts than other evaluated variants.

Bc. Richard Paksi, Ing. Karel Struhala

This two-part paper deals with the topic of environmental effectiveness of buildings. The goal of the paper is evaluation of expected embodied environmental impacts related with a detached family house. First part of the paper describes the evaluated building and used methods. Seven currently common variants of load-bearing structures (walls and floors) are described and compared. Five variants include masonry, while the sixth and seventh variant includes cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures. The evaluation follows Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology according to ČSN EN 15978 standard. The results of the evaluation are shown in the second part of the paper. Under the specified boundary conditions the variant with ceramic masonry filled with mineral wool has 5–14 % lower environmental impacts than other evaluated variants.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

The article explains the differences between the invention patents and utility model from the perspective of Czech legislation. Also highlights the confusion individual categories and purposeful fraud by producers and sellers of equipment.

prof. Ing. Leonard Hobst , CSc., VUT v Brně

The natural radioactivity lives mankind throughout its development. The effects of radiation to some extent they can influence the evolutionary history of life on Earth. It is therefore important to determine what values the natural radioactivity would reach different locations of the world.

Ing. Jiří Cigler, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kudera

Total cost of heating energy typically consists of two items. The former is the payment for consumed energy while the latter is the payment for reserved power capacity or reserved energy capacity in given period. If the customer pays for the reserved power capacity, he/she should address two questions: what is the most suitable level of reserved capacity and how to control the heating system so that the reserved capacity limits are not exceeded. Both questions can be readily solved with the aid of model based predictive controller.

Ing. Jiří Teslík, Ing. Petr Kurečka, Ing. Naďa Zdražilová

Natural building materials are in recent years used still more often in civil engineering. One of these materials is also the straw. By its crushing and cutting into small pieces it is formed so-called crushed straw. The properties of this material, which are important for civil engineering, were not published yet unlike the properties of the straw in bales. In the Czech Republic there exist a many objects built from straw bales. In this paper there are described partial results of research which is implemented on Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava since 2013. The aim of this research it is to set fire resistance, thermal – technical properties and acoustical characteristics of crushed straw. There are described results of fire tests – flammability test and tests of single burning object (SBI). Subsequently there are referred results of thermal conductivity measurements, which were provided for different bulk densities of crushed straw.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Jelínek, CSc.

Brief summaries of legislation in particular contain information about products with higher technical, technological and intelligent level, specifies requirements for installation and construction works, which require new measurement technology and represents a variant location measuring devices, especially in relation to other installation systems (electro).

Ing. Eva Šopíková, Ph.D., Ing. Anna Kuklíková, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Vymlátil, Ph.D., prof. Ing. František Wald, CSc.

The subject of this paper is a comparison of two experiments of timber-fibre concrete floors in fire, which consist of steel fibre reinforced concrete boards and glue-laminated timber beams. Main aim of this project is to assess the using of steel fibre reinforced concrete board, which work together with glue-laminated timber beams to increase fire resistance and investigate its behaviour in loaded construction.

Ing. Jozef Löffler, Výskumný ústav vzduchotechniky, Slovensko

The article explains why at non-residential buildings of size 500 m2 or greater energy inspection of air-conditioning and heating systems must be made together (not independent). Further it recommends to extend the periodic inspections of air conditioning and heating systems, where appropriate.

Ing. Zdeněk Čežík, konzultant managementu a pracovních procesů

If we want to meet the required standard working environment, we must carefully prepare the assignment, to develop a project and carefully implement. Often is requiring more than the standard.

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