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Facility management
Archiv článků od 5.2.2018 do 11.10.2018

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Ing. Michal Faltejsek, Fakulta stavební, VŠB - TU Ostrava

Smart management is an important part of the Smart Cities concept. Facility management applied in the commercial sector is a functioning platform that has already gained its place in the company. It deals not only with property management but also with work with people so that the place in which they work and live should be the place with the best conditions for them. This principle should be applied more so in municipal self-government. Municipal management is also deal with about ensuring these "ideal" conditions, but also about property management. And these processes need to be combined, connected and optimized very handy and efficient. However, there is a lot of activity associated with it, so just as in facility management, it can be helped by quality software support.

doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D, Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D.

Steam dampening and air heaters are the most common air conditioning in the winter. Steam dampening has its hygienic advantages but also technical drawbacks.

doc. Ing. Dalibor Vytlačil, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, Katedra inženýrské informatiky, Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

Energy consumption in residential buildings depends on the quality of building stock. Besides external conditions, there are two basic factors influencing future energy consumption – the technical requirements for new-built buildings and the refurbishment rate of the existing building stock. The paper presents an approach which integrates both strategies into one dynamic model. The main outputs are the amount of refurbished buildings and the energy consumption in the whole building stock. The model allows to estimate these results according to the quality of new-built buildings and at the same time it is possible to set up a strategy for the second option reducing the energy demand of buildings, i.e. the refurbishment of existing building stock. In the case of refurbishment, the key parameters for the decision about implementation of proposed improvements in buildings are usually the energy prices and the level of subsidy. Decrease in energy prices will change the financial profit from a project and it will consequently influence the owner decision about the refurbishment of a building. The model is based on system dynamics. It allows for a large scope of boundary conditions to be simulated. A sensitivity analysis has been performed on the input parameters having major influence on the owners’ decision about refurbishment of the existing building stock.

Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace, Ing. Jiří Cigler, Ph.D., Feramat Energies, s.r.o.

The contribution summarizes findings regarding implementation of predictive control algorithms of a hybrid GEOTABS system with time variable price of electric power. The real case study demonstrates that the direct control of the heat pump output according to the dynamic price can bring financial savings. However, for the full utilization of the potential, it is necessary to ensure sufficient accumulation for all types of energy consumption – the TABS system has high storage ability from its nature, yet there arises a problem with accumulation for HVAC and DHW systems.

prof. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc., VUT Brno, Fakulta architektury

It is expected that the new administrative centre of Lesy České republiky would be an exemplary demonstration of the use of wood, which will be used in the form of the building material or in which the importance of wood will be emphasized in another appropriate way. The paper is focused on a proposal that won the international architectural competition in 2016.

Ilustrační obrázek, zdroj: článek TZB-info Obermeyer Helika a. s.
Ing. Michal Faltejsek, Fakulta stavební, VŠB - TU Ostrava

An important BIM component to a real building model is simulation above the model. Acoustic, thermal, ambient, sunlight, for example. The simulations and the results obtained from them predict problems or situations that can occur during the life cycle and thus prevent them from occurring.

Michal Randa, redakce

Since CSNs are not legal, the way their engagement has their specifics and towards the general public can be easily misused in a “busy” business concept. In the field of alarm systems, this is all the more important as it concerns the area of business aimed at protecting property and people.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

Danger of backflow is underestimated. Water mains operators rely on a reversing valve in a water meter assembly, but this may not be reliable. Here, health risks and deterioration of drinking water quality in backwaters are known.

doc. Ing. Viera Somorová, PhD., Katedra technológie stavieb Stavebná fakulta STU BA

Facility management as an effective form of residential house management is now becoming increasingly important for administrators. An important role in the management of residential houses is its maintenance. Maintenance is one of the determining factors that affect the lifetime of residential houses.

Milan Markovič, Facility manager

The article explains some basic terms and obligations in the field of fire protection related to the activity and character of the association of owners of flats (or housing cooperatives) and ensuring fulfillment of obligations in the field of fire protection.

Lenka Novotná , Adam Truska, VUT Brno, fakulta stavební, Ústav stavební ekonomiky a řízení

The US economy is the biggest in the world for the misfortune of all others, because in many ways it does not have sufficient control mechanisms and legislative support. Then the bubble of the US real estate market can grow to a huge size, after which the collapse will break down not only the financial sector but also the rest of the world. The financial losses were so great that they caused global consumption constraints, resulting in the global economic crisis of 2008, which was the worst in the post-war period. The script was the same everywhere in the world. Financial sector liquidity problems have restricted consumers' access to finance. Reduction in consumption = reduction in aggregate demand = slowdown in economic growth = increase in unemployment. All sectors have been affected, and economic subjects switch into the survival mode. The main goal is to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The best way to achieve these goals in the company's support activities is facility management. It has been known in the world for several decades, but in the conservative Czech corporate environment was used very little in the pre-crisis period. The definition of the essence and the goal of facility management is to reconcile working environment, workers and work activities to result in a more favorable environment, more efficient processes, and higher workforce performance, thereby achieving better economic growth and overall organization success. The authors want to point out an adaptation of facility management to the needs of companies to survive in the crisis period. During the crisis, both authors worked in the private construction sector, defining the essence and goal of facility management during the crisis as followed: facility management aims to maximize the minimization of costs, conditions and workers to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of the main activity. Paradoxically, the crisis has forced many businesses trying to survive, apply facility management on their structure, and the results show that facility management is working, achieving the desired goals. The same applies to one of the facility management outsourcing tools. To the onset of the crisis unpopular, as if untrusted instrument. However, the crisis has forced companies to narrow both the main and supportive activities = specialization / profiling and delegate many activities to external contractors = outsourcing. In the end, it turns out that such a “division of labor” has a positive effect on the efficiency and quality of the work and services provided.

Ing. Jiří Novotný, doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D.

One of the most well-known and most important greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide (CO2), which arises from natural processes, but the burning of carbonaceous fuels, especially fossil fuels, contributes significantly in the last century. This text focuses on CO2 emissions associated with energy transformations for the supply of energy to buildings.

Ing. Michal Prak, Doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, PhD.

Energy management is a generally used term under which many sub-activities are hidden. These activities should lead to an efficient energy management system and to reduce the production of greenhouse gas emissions. The energy management system is a continuous process that, when properly adjusted, leads to savings in the funds spent on consumed energy. The energy management system can be included in the Facility Management portfolio and preferably in the Property Management department.

Michal Randa, redakce

Most of the companies that benefit from their history of so-called "commercial security" base their business on the knowledge of legislation and they are aware of the importance of ČSN for their business. But closer attention should be given by those who see security as mere business.

Jan Talášek, pit Software, s.r.o.

If we think about the last twenty years, we realize how fundamentally changed the character of production and the nature of services and related nature of the work of many of us. Has the change affected only the tools that we use for everyday activities or the human factor operating new systems has changed the services as well?

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