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Facility management
Archiv článků od 26.10.2015 do 21.3.2016

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Ing. Jiří Pokorný, Ph.D., MPA, VŠB – TU Ostrava, Katedra bezpečnostního inženýrství

The paper describes the possibility of using fire engineering methods to ensure the safety of cultural monuments. Character of cultural heritage and the effort to preserve their historical value, is the cause of conflict situations in their evaluation in terms of fire safety. The case study of the picture gallery demonstrates some of the options of models of fire which are possible tools in solutions different from standards. The use of fire engineering methods is commented with relation to subjects usually participating in fire engineering applications.

Ing. Michal Lom, doc. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.

First article from the Smart city series deals with occations for new urban conceptions, defines the Smart City idea and describes it from different points of view.

Chladicí rozvody izolované syntetickým kaučukem, foto autor
Ing. Vít Koverdynský, Ph.D., Saint-Gobain Construction Products CZ a.s., Isover

We calculate insulation thickness in accordance with the criterion of maximum heat loss and monitor unwanted warming or cooling media and maintain the required temperature.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

It lasted incredibly long, but we finally have an updated prescription, to which all owners of apartment buildings were anxiously waiting. Until now valid Decree no. 372/2001 Coll. is becoming past since the start of January 2016 and a newly heat for each unit to allocate according to Decree no. 269/2015 Coll.

Ing. Ondrej Keseli, prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD.

This paper presents methods to enhance the punching shear resistance of existing flat slabs (enlargement of supported area, enhancement of flexural resistance of slab, post-installed shear reinforcement and prestressed solutions). In case of post-installed shear reinforcement, systems based on steel and CFRP are mentioned. Static, technological and economic advantages and disadvantages are analysed. Differences between the systems are mainly due to the requirement to access the upper face of the slab, resistance-decrease in case of fire and deformation capacity of the strengthened slab.

Ing. arch. Petr Kučera, jakub cigler architekti

In early September, the administration building Aviatica was inaugurated and officially unveiled, which is the flagship of a large development in the former factory Walter in Prague. Use of abandoned industrial sites, called Brownfields has been the great theme of Planning and Development during the last few years. Vast territories with dilapidated buildings have a negative impact on their environment, in terms of the degradation of the environment, environmental stress, negative social phenomena or reduction of the economic potential of the site. These lucrative localities are connected to existing technical and transport infrastructure. The transformation has a positive impact on the surrounding areas and instead of spatial expansion of cities into the countryside is one of the ways to exploit their intrinsic potential.

Ing. Petra Fučíková, Doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně Fakulta stavební

The article deals with operation of historical buildings from the facility management view. Facility management of historical buildings in the article refers to buildings that are treated according to the czech law no. 20/1987. These buildings are cultural sights.

Ing. arch. Petr Kučera, jakub cigler architekti

In October 2015, it was one year from when the new polyfunctional building Quadrio in the center of Prague above the metro station Národní třída was opened. It incorporates not only business and office space, but also residential building, a public passage and exit from the metro station. After almost thirty years a big scar of the historic city was healed. It was caused by the construction of the metro station Národní třída, which was accompanied by the demolition of the original buildings and the replacement with single-storey ground lobbies that suit rather to the suburb than the city center. At the same time a new public urban space was created, a stone plaza, which is in the case of similar projects rather rare exception than the rule.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

Methods of cost allocation in apartment buildings have undergone significant changes in recent years. The article offers a comprehensive overview of cost allocation methods in multi-dwelling units according to applicable regulations. It is intended mainly for owners of residential units, board members of homeowners associations, managers of housing cooperatives or individuals and companies managing residential buildings.
Cost allocation in apartment buildings is currently governed by two laws: Act No. 67/2013 Coll. and the new Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. These laws governed cost allocation in calendar year 2014 and apply also for 2015. The heating and hot water supply costs in MDUs from 2016 onwards will be allocated pursuant to the new decree No. 269/2015 Coll. and the amended Act No. 67/2013 Coll.

Mgr. David Štamberk, Mgr. Pavel Franc

The second part of the article describes specific aspects of the construction as the subject of the Contract for work and materials. It looks into ownership issues of the construction – the subject, the execution of the construction and its possible defects. It carries on to contextually analyze specific problems, like the transfer of risk of damage, right to invoice, inspection of subject progress, hidden obstructions and construction handover and acceptance. It also outlines the issue of joint responsibility of a subcontractor for construction defects.

Ing. Michaela Perďochová, Ph.D., VŠB – TU Ostrava, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství

Usage of solid biofuels increases due to substitution of fossil fuels. This fact contributes to increasing of danger of fire due to spontaneous combustion. Spontaneous combustion of these materials occurs during their storage in large piles. This tendency to spontaneous combustion is not the same, but is influenced by various factors. This article deals with the determination of tend to spontaneous combustion and evaluation of effect of moisture on self – ignition temperature of four kinds of wood chips. Evaluation of tendency to spontaneous combustion was performed according to standard EN 15188, in an isothermal furnace. The results have implications for the specification of safe conditions of storage of coal and wood substances and the selection of safety measures.

Ing. Jan Vidim

The aim of electricity distributor is that customers may be sourced if a constant amount of energy. When properly appliances division into groups according to how they can be turned off, it is possible to reduce the agreed value of the load shedding and save on fixed fees. The regulator load shedding so in the short term applies.

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

This paper proposes statistical methods for evaluation quantitative performance determinated by tests of building products for objective decision during conformity assessment / certification in a fire protection field. The procedure is applicable for other types of products, and research / development of new material products.

Ing. Michal Lom

This paper describes the controller functions, types of control units and from which all components can be composed. Next part is about explaining how to program the controllers can take place, what are the types of controlling and communication protocols that are most frequently used for connection to field devices and supervisor. The whole interpretation is conducted through first theoretical introduction followed by practical example. The whole paper is written exclusively on control units, which are used in building automation and belonging to the group DDC (Direct Digital Control) systems. These controllers are most often used to HVAC systems (Heat, Ventilation and Air Condition). The aim of these systems is to achieve thermal comfort in buildings. The whole industry is then called Measurement and Control. Specific application is e.g. controlling of Air handling unit according to pre-defined project.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

In a previous article we described current problems of district heating. Their creation is shared by all stakeholders - customers, suppliers and the state. The only difference is that while consumers and suppliers are more or less at the mercy of events, the state is the one who will decide on the future success or failure of the sector. And in this role still failing. The state should support the heating industry, but instead he openly harms.

doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, Ph.D, Ing. Michal Prak

In this article is focused on the user's possibilities of the influence of the building value associated with the leife cycle. On the example of building a house techniques are utilized facility management. Designed there are four deigned variants for which are calculated itemized budgets, the energy consumption of the building and other cost of life cycle of the building. At the end of there are these variants compared and the result implies which one is the most suitable for a future user.

Ing. Michal Frank, Ing. Martina Drdlová, Ing. Vladan Prachař, Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Buchar, DrSc.

Research, development and testing of materials and safety features used to protect civilians and armed forces against terrorist or military attacks are more than desirable nowadays. Therefore, our work is aimed at absorption materials that can temper impact energy and shockwave energy originating in explosive blast.
Out of many materials potentially suitable for experiments, two groups of fillers were chosen – macro fillers and micro fillers – and a two component polyurethane binder. In this article, the resulting physico-mechanical characteristics are summarized: bulk density, flexural, compression and impact strength. The crucial test for determination impact energy absorption was the Split-Hopkinson pressure bar test, conducted with most samples.

Ing. Karel Mikulica, prof. Ing. Rudolf Hela, CSc.

Concrete exposed to high temperature considerably changes its properties down to total destruction. The paper describes renovation of concrete floor damaged by a fire of a factory building. Individual steps of determination of damage of concrete floor structures caused by high temperatures are described. Structure of damaged floor was technically analyzed, redevelopment was designed and renovation works were carried out.

Ing. Roman Šubrt, Energy Consulting

The introduction of energy management according to ČSN EN ISO 50 001 becomes a topic that attracts more and more attention of involved people nowadays. There are two reasons for that. The first one is the possibility of obtaining a higher subsidy from the OP PIK, the second is the obligation by the law, respectively the possibility of reducing the administration in the future.

Tomáš Krempaský,

Owners of residential buildings and their tenants must ensure the implementation of some activities on the technical and fire safety devices in order to ensure their safety and functionality in use. Inspections and checks are therefore not just binding on the applicable regulations, but also may prevent damage to health and property.

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