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Ing. Zdeněk Poloprutský, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra geomatiky

This paper deals with the possibilities of using modern measurement methods and technologies, i.e. ground-based laser scanning (TLS) and Image Based Modeling and Rendering (IBMR), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) for processing, distribution and archiving of data collected during the Building Archaeology Survey (BAS). The paper tries to briefly summarize the current state of the author's knowledge and his practical experience with the issue.

Ing. Barbora Junasová, doc. Ing. Michal Krajčík, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Šimko, PhD.

High quality of the indoor environment expressed by indicators such as air temperature, relative humidity, concentration of carbon dioxide, or lighting has great impact on human health, comfort and performance. Therefore, the contribution focuses on the effect of an increase in indoor temperature on energy consumption.

prof. Ing. Dušan Petráš, PhD., Stavebná fakulta STU Bratislava Katedra technického zariadenia budov

The author describes a systematic procedure leading to the processing of the audit and provides an overview of the necessary documents. The elaboration of the audit and the implementation of the proposed measures is a basic prerequisite for savings. Without subsequent evaluation of results and adjustments of operating modes, etc. however, the expected savings effect may not occur.

© fotomek -
Ing. Augustin Sadílek, Ing. Vlastimil Vala, CSc., Ing. Filip Hakl, Ing. Eva Mačurová MBA

As of 1st January 2021, an amendment to the Property Valuation Act and an amendment to the Valuation Decree also entered into force. With the amendment of these valuation regulations, there were fundamental changes in the valuation of easements. In this paper, we deal with the introduction of the new wording of these regulations concerning the valuation of easements and also the individual types of prices at which easements can be valued.

Ing. Gabriela Bariczová, Ing. Ján Erdélyi, PhD.

The paper briefly deals with building information modelling and creation of digital twins of buildings using modern techniques of spatial data collection (TLS). It describes an algorithm for automated verification of the building's structures. It presents algorithms for automated difference model creation between the BIM model and data obtained from TLS or photogrammetry. The results are used to verify the geometric parameters of structural elements (such as flatness of walls, straightness of pipes etc.), as well as to determine deviations in their location (position and orientation from the project itself). The information obtained is a basis for the qualification and quantification of deviations during construction management.

Ing. Michal Brandtner, Ing. Adam Boháček

The article deals with the data structure for the purpose of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of buildings using the Building Information Model (BIM). LCA is a method that can be used to demonstrate the suitability of proposed materials, structures, or buildings in terms of their whole life cycle and its environmental impact. For the LCA evaluation it is crucial to obtain life cycle inventory (LCI) input data. The aim of the article is to define a BIM data structure for LCI purposes. The new methodology is based on standardization of non-graphic information model data structure called SNIM. Advantages of the proposed methodology have been demonstrated on the case study. These results are useful for expanding the BIM model with new data necessary for further LCA calculations.

ilustrační foto: Main Point Karlín © TZB-info
Ing. Zuzana Mrňová, VUT FAST Brno, Ústav stavební ekonomiky a řízení

A responsible approach to the environment is not only related to corporate ecology, but is also increasingly reflected in the design and construction of buildings, which is closely related to the concept of sustainable construction of buildings. With the development of sustainable construction, the need arose to evaluate buildings and their impact on the environment. For this reason, environmental certifications of buildings have been developed, which assess how a building affects its surroundings during its life cycle.
The aim of this article is to find out which environmental certifications exist in the world and which of them are most often used in the Czech Republic. Finally, the certifications are compared and their main differences are described.

prof. Ing. Ivan Vaníček, DrSc., Ing. Daniel Jirásko, Ph.D.

Very quick process of digitalization in civil engineering is progressing also in the branch of geotechnical engineering. BIM is a part of this process. Mutual interconnection of the 3D model of ground with the 3D model of the geotechnical structure can help to give more clear view on the interaction of this structure with ground. However, at the same time it makes possible better control for all participants of the construction process, particularly if all conditions of this mutual interaction are fulfilled. Whether the main aim of the construction process – that the care devoted to the individual phases of the structure design and execution correspond to the risk with which this structure and ground are connected. Within this context a closer specification of the Eurocode 7 of the second generation will be specified, as it counts with different models.

Ing. Ondřej Nespěšný, Ing. David Jun, doc. Ing. Jan Pěnčík, Ph.D., Ing. Zuzana Fišarová, Ph.D.

The Helmholtz resonator is one of the most widely used low and medium frequency attenuation acoustic absorbers. While commercial products usually offer efficiency across almost the entire spectrum under consideration, in many cases only the specific natural resonance of the room needs to be suppressed. In such cases, it is necessary to proceed with your own design. This paper presents one of the possibilities of calculating a perforated resonator using the electro-acoustic analogy and the transfer matrix method. This method is not demanding on computing power, but nevertheless it is rarely used in current building-acoustic practice. This paper focuses on the comparison of the calculation of the sound absorption coefficient by this method with the data measured in the reverberation room.

Ing. Libor Šteffek, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Kalánek, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Milan Ostrý, Ph.D.

The paper deals with the energy balance of windows for different combination of glazing parameters in connection with their orientation. Sum of solar gains through the transparent surfaces of a building envelope depends mainly on the size, their orientation and the g-value. Large glazed surfaces with correct orientation ensure large solar gains, but they are also the weakest part of the thermal isulating building envelope.
The influences of various U-value (Ug) and g-value of glazing on the energy performance of selected passive house were calculated by the use of computer simulation.

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Ing.arch. Zdeněk Rudovský, Ph.D., Rektorát ČVUT v Praze, odbor výstavby a investiční činnosti

The benefits of BIM are discussed at almost all the conferences concerning the construction industry. Better quality project documentation is one of the most often referred assets of projects modelled in BIM. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether this benefit was realised in the projects or not. So, there raise following questions:

  • How exactly was the declared better quality measured?
  • What exactly is meant by the better quality documentation in practise?
  • How can a contracting authority assess the quality of the project data processed by BIM models?

This article will try to answer all these questions and introduce the reader into the elementary principles of the quality measurability of the project information.

Ing.arch. Zdeněk Rudovský, Ph.D., Mgr. Marek Stowasser

The article is intended for all clients (contracting authorities) who would like to choose a quality BIM contractor for their future project. It is based on the experience of implemented tenders (small-scale public contracts) and procurement procedures pursuant to Act No. 134/2016 Coll. on Public Procurement, as amended (“PP”). The article is an introduction to the system of qualitatively oriented selection of the BIM model contractor and related outputs – i.e. 2D drawing, quantity take-off, etc. This article applies to the Czech law.

Ing. Jan Vidim

Today, technical support is an essential part of services related to the sale of products, heating technologies, including other parts of the HVAC area. It has a pre-sale, sales and post-sale form. For those who need to use support, they are intended in the article of the said advice. At the same time, however, companies that introduce support can learn or inspire changes that have already been implemented.

Ing. Katarína Korytárová, PhD., Prognostický Ústav, Slovenská akadémia vied

The author points out the potential for savings in heating, etc. in public buildings and the potential dangers arising from inappropriately chosen scenarios. The risk factor is in particular the “lock-in effect”, which causes the failure to use all the possibilities to reduce the energy consumption that exists.

Ilustrační obrázek © sima -
Ing. Josef Hodboď, TZB-info, redakce

Investment and operating costs and the actual life of the internal water supply system are significantly reflected in the actual economy of the building and its operation. The mistakes that are associated with internal water mains impoverish us all unnecessarily, they only generate work for a small group. It is necessary to change the view of the importance of internal water supply, especially when it comes to buildings managed by the state, municipalities or serving the public.

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Ing. Josef Hodboď, TZB-info, redakce

Investment and operating costs and the actual life of the internal water supply system are significantly reflected in the actual economy of the building and its operation. The mistakes that are associated with internal water mains impoverish us all unnecessarily, they only generate work for a small group. It is necessary to change the view of the importance of internal water supply, especially when it comes to buildings managed by the state, municipalities or serving the public.

Ing. David Pálenský, Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ph.D.

This is a case study of a multifamily residential building that has been environmentally assessed in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) production using a simplified life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The results of total GHG emissions were compared to the emission limit value, which was set based on the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement and the scientific report The Emissions Gap Report. In response to the non-compliance with the emission limit, a number of emission-saving measures have been proposed and have been suitably designed into variants meeting the emission requirement.

Ing. David Pálenský, Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ph.D.

This is a case study of a multifamily residential building that has been environmentally assessed in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) production using a simplified life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The results of total GHG emissions were compared to the emission limit value, which was set based on the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement and the scientific report The Emissions Gap Report. In response to the non-compliance with the emission limit, a number of emission-saving measures have been proposed and have been suitably designed into variants meeting the emission requirement.

© Dmitry Naumov -
doc. Ing. Ladislav Tuhovčák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Kučera, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Ručka, Ph.D.

The risk assessment of water systems is implemented and carried out in more than ten European and a number of non-European countries. The main expected benefits of risk assessment are improving water quality, reducing the number and consequence of accidents, improving water resources protection, reducing acute diseases in the customer population, improving operational monitoring, better understanding of the entire supply system, reducing costs of remedies, operator and more. The disadvantage of carrying out a risk analysis for operators is, above all, a higher administrative burden and the costs of introducing a risk assessment.

© contrastwerkstatt -
Ing. Eduard Schilhart, CSc., Sdružení výrobců pro ploché střechy

Any roof likely to fall from a height shall be fitted with a handrail or restraint system as appropriate for the intended operation. Protection of persons against falls from a height must be addressed already during construction. Therefore, Act No. 309/2006 Coll. in its current wording, it specifies the work of the contractor and sets out its obligations. In addition to this Act updated in 2016, it is of course necessary to take into account other legislative requirements in the construction process. This implies many responsibilities of individual construction participants, which will be discussed in this paper.

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