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Facility management
Archiv článků od 13.5.2013 do 16.9.2013

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Bc. Tomáš Seliger, DiS., Fakulta stavební VŠB-TU Ostrava

The article describes what a National Heritage Institute, its scope, location of sites and activities. The following are types of divided heritage protection, (cultural monument, national monument, conservation). In conclusion, described the law on state conservation), obligations for owners and likes the cultural monuments.

ventilátory na střeše
Ing. Ondřej Jelínek, doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D, Ing. Petr Blasinski

Various elements of HVAC equipment in their function generates unwanted noise that is causing customer complaints even if prescribed microclimate is provided. In addition the use of active elements attenuation applied directly to the ventilation can also use passive elements.

požární vodovod
Ing. Vladimír Stehlík, výrobní náměstek Vodovody a kanalizace Mladá Boleslav, a. s.

But if there is a contention for fire brigades with the technical possibilities of public water supply, it can occur unsolvable problem. The aim of the article is to provoke discussion, to help find viable solutions and the conditions for fire building security.

instalatér opravující vodovod
Ing. Jiří Frýba

Less experienced HVAC field service managers sometimes tend to have difficulties in identifying the causes of technical problems that common practice brings. The table in the article can be used both ways – to find the cause of the problem or use it as a basis for a maintenance plan designed to prevent the faults and equipment failures.

zákaz vstupu No Entry
Ing. Jan Hart, Ing. Veronika Nídlová, Ing. Vendula Nejedlá

In this time development of a security alarm and emergency systems is very important, mainly due to the ever increasing unemployment. It has increased since 2008 according to the Czech Statistical Office of the 4.44 % to 7.4 % which will lead to an increase in crime. For the last few years, although recorded crime reduced by 4 %, but its growth is predicted. This is also why your home, business or auto secure as possible. And because usually rule is that at a time when there is a new method of detection, there is a new way of sabotage and it still necessary to continue developing and improving current technology of intrusion and hold-up systems.

Životní cyklus staveb
Ing. Eva Beránková, Fakulta stavební VŠB – TU Ostrava

Every construction project passes through its life cycle, from initial idea, through the design, implementation, or to change the construction and use to disposal. Article highlights the interdependence of the life cycle of buildings with durability and amortization of buildings and does not omit important perspective on this issue, which is the economic expression of the parts of individual cost items arise during the life cycle.

Hermann Laukamp, Robin Grab, Heribert Schmidt

Recently broad media in the Czech Republic coverage on hazards from PV systems to fire fighters. Similar situation was in Germany two years ago. That is why Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE together with TÜV Rheinland and other partners implemented a research project „Assessment of fire risks in PV systems and development of safety concepts for risk mitigation“. The project concluded that the fire risk of PV system is much less than it is publicly alleged in Germany.
There is a small risk that fires can be started by PV components. This risk can be reduced by careful installation, initial verification i.e. inspection and testing, periodic verifications, (yield) monitoring to detect degradation problems, and verification of test procedures and maintenance requirements for conventional AC- components. Overall conclusion is that PV systems are not maintenance free.

Whole presentation from EU PVSEC (in English).

Ing. Eva Beránková, Fakulta stavební VŠB – TU Ostrava

The importance of maintenance of buildings in the operation of real estate principles Facility management is huge. Properly and efficiently carried out maintenance of buildings helps to smooth and especially trouble-free operation, respectively use of the buildings. The effort of each owner, respectively operator is to make the operation, respectively. Use benefited maximum benefits. The aim of this article is to define a species, processes and other forms of maintenance that his efforts will help streamline.

Ing. Jan Vidim, Domat Control System s.r.o.

The design and installation of building automation systems constitutes one of the essential parts of the system input peripherals - Sensor environmental variables. Market with sensors of environmental parameters in buildings, in comparison with the sensors industry some specific characteristics.

Facility management
Ing. Eva Beránková, Fakulta stavební VŠB – TU Ostrava

This article aims to introduce Facility management as defined by standard EN 15221, to describe the development of this field, to determine its target, to identify ways in which the Facility management is implemented, to define the level of management where processes are managed and finally clarify the position and mission of the Facility manager, whether the service recipient or the provider. This article summarizes the basic facts and information about the dynamically developing field, which over time becomes an integral part of our working life.

Ing. Vendula Nejedlá, Ing. Veronika Nídlová, Ing. Petr Vaculík, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Hart, Ing. Zdeněk Votruba

The question of reliability and at the same time quality of security systems is the most important criterion for selecting a particular type of security. The most dangerous from this point of view are perimeter systems that virtually in all modifications and technologies are greatly subject to the influence of external conditions and distractions. Due to this fact many false alarms quite often prevents their actual use (at least in civilian areas). This is why we (in the Laboratory of security systems Faculty of Engineering CZU) were searching for a way how to increase the efficiency of employment of the discussed perimeter systems. We wanted to enable problem-free utilization in the commercial area at a moderate price if possible. The solving of the problem by way of minimizing false alarms failed when changed to a different physical principle of detectors. Therefore we chose a different approach – we made a perimeter system with movable and automatic alarm verification.

Požární bezpečnost stavebních konstrukcí
Ing. Miroslav Smolka, Ing. arch. Marcela Jonášová

Change of the standard ČSN 73 0810/Z1 (valid from  1st June 2012) introduces a new term - so-called „equivalent DP1“.This represented an exception in the classification of non-combustible components for some products. This exception was cancelled by the Change ČSN 73 0810/Z3 valid from 1st July 2013.

doc. Ing. Roman Povýšil, CSc., ENERGO-ENVI s.r.o.

Of course, the social order is low-energy buildings to be also effective. However, this objective cannot be only declarative nature, but must be supported by correct results showing that the investment plan will generate real economic effect in the form of profit or positive cash flow for an investor or user for the period considered.

Principy poskytování a oceňování teplé vody
Ing. Jiří Skuhra, CSc., MMR ČR

Centralized provision of hot water in the apartment building is associated with the specifics of four (commercial space, unmetered amount of heat for the preparation and distribution of hot water, the limits of specific consumption of heat, heat supply technology for domestic hot water through residential transfer stations).

Výkladový slovník pojmů pro facility management
Petra Gütterová, redakce

Nearly 100 of definitions that explain the basic concepts that appear in facility management. Dictionary can help you at the first orientation in facility management or the need for precise terminology.

Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

In relation with the implementation of the revised EU Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings are currently changing some of Czech legal regulations and new methodology for energy performance assessment is introduced . This article focuses on an example rating the standard family house with conventional solution of building envelope and technical systems, using the new evaluation method. For this object will be also an obligation to issue an energy performance certificate as required by the Consolidated Act No. 406/2000 Coll., as amended.

Uplatnění Facility managementu pro nevýrobní společnosti
Pavel Komenda

The author determines this article to parties interested in business in the field of the technical infrastructure building management. He provides the fundamental information as concerns the provision of technical services at the real estate management in the area of the building technical facility in all buildings of the client of the services provider in the formof the facility management. The author deals above all with buildings serving exclusively for the administrative purposes within the range from large buildings in the possession to small workplaces in leased buildings.

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