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Archiv článků od 17.1.2011 do 16.1.2012

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František Jandura, Elektrotechnický zkušební ústav, s.p.

At present, we encounter increasingly the task to use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for illuminating industrial environments, public places, the automotive industry and households. In connection with this, there are questions about replacement of classic light bulbs by LED tubes and the idea that the exchange can handle every ordinary user. but there are some risks in terms of product safety. This paper deals with it.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

On Wednesday, January 11th, the public had the opportunity to attend a seminar of Václav Klaus: Zero energy buildings - an ingenious design, or pointless EU regulation? In this paper you can listen to it again. Speakers were Václav Klaus, Pavel Gebauer (MIT), Ivo Strejček (MEP), Karel Kabele (Czech Technical University) and Lukáš Petřík (Parliamentary news editor).

Klaus and certainly anothers see the concept of (almost) zero energy building as a chimera, a concept that someone created and prescribed by regulation. Fortunately, we know that is not entirely without support in practice. Unfortunately at the seminar, for the ears of the President, or others, it was not clearly said that the design and realisation of efficient buildings is under way, and without regard to European regulations and time ultimatums. Many architects and designers consider it absolutely for granted, and design it of their own volition and on their own beliefs. If we leave aside the fact that the emergence of the directive was the political decision, which is needed to cope, we can build efficient buildings.

Ing. Melichar Kopas, doc. Ing. Alena Pauliková, PhD.

Lifts (or elevators) are transport machines designed for vertical transport of persons and material in buildings. Taking into consideration the global systemisation of transport and handling machinery, lifts are belonging to the category of hoisting machines that are creating a wider sub-group of the whole system of transport and handling machines. There is known also a special category of electrically driven lifts. It is the category of lifts equipped by a chain, which is acting as tensile means instead of the steel wire ropes. This type of lift is equipped with platforms or cabs attached to a pair of continuously moving chains. These chains are running collaterally around the upper and bottom terminal chain wheels. Such lift doesn’t stop at each floor, but passengers are entering and getting out while a lift is moving. This sort of lift is called popularly “paternoster”. Despite of indisputable technically-operational advantages of the constantly moving lifts, it is necessary to find their era ending because they are considered to be dangerous in a majority of the EU-member countries. The “paternosters” are not able to fulfil principal requirements of the universal design, i.e. design, which is applicable for all people without limitations.

Ing. Vladimír Sochor, SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, z.ú.

The development of the project on Energy Performance Contracting is very significant even without any state support till recent time. Last year we can see finaly some support. Ministry of Environment has supported EPC in general by the project in programme of environmental education and promotion. Also Ministry of Industry and Trade endeavours to support first phase of EPC project preparation to select buildings suitable to apply EPC from programme EFEKT from 2012. The methodology for the using of the EPC in the state buildings will be prepared by the end of 2011. By the end of this year several moreover several new tenders will be announced in public sector.

prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc., ČVUT Praha, pracoviště UCEEB

This paper deals with changes in the newly revised technical standard for building thermal performance in terms of ventilation and distribution of air in the building. This paper describes the formulation of requirements, when it is necesary to guarantee a quality of indoor environment and also minimize the energy consumption of ventilation. Attention is also paid to disseminating of air into leaks in the facade or roof.

Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

The conference sounded clearly in favor of renewable sources. It could be therefore called "Why the future belongs to renewable sources rather than nuclear energy." Among all the speakers only prof. Hrdlicka has spoken in favor of nuclear energy, and it still very carefully.

Ing. Helena Bellingová

The author in his paper examines in detail the individual steps that make up the course selection process for energy services provider. Special focus is on the evaluation of the bids submitted in the tender.

Miroslav Haluza, Jan Macháček

Projects of the International Energy Agency show that use energy more efficiently has a greater potential to reduce CO2 over the next 20 years than all other options combined. The main objectives of intelligent networks are improving the efficiency, reliability, safety and environmental sustainability.

autor M. Schellhorn, upravený překlad: Ing. A. Chyba

For both mobile and stationary air conditioning equipment it is the most important condition of safe hygiene compliance its regular maintenance and cleaning. During the specified period should be in accordance with operating instructions of the manufacturer, replaced the dust filter.

Ing. Jiří Dupal, Ph.D.

The Professional medical institute in Žamberk is one of the objects in the region of Pardubice in the Czech republic, where the energy performance contracting method was applicated. By implementing energy-saving project the central steam boiler was closed and a new gas boiler (power 1690 kW) was built in the building of the existing heat exchangers.

prof. Ing. Miroslav Jícha, CSc.

The article provides information on the activities of the International Centre AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre), which in a new cycle from 2011 to 2013 will focus on the strategy 20-20-20, which oblige EU countries to save energy in buildings. The article explains the structure of the AIVC and its tasks as an international information center, to help not only the AIVC member countries in addressing ventilation in newly built buildings that will have to meet very strict requirements for tightness.

prof. Ing. Radomír Adamovský, DrSc., ČZU Technická fakulta Praha

This paper describes the brief analysis of the quality of heat pumps offered in the Czech Republic. It specifies the importance of improving offer based on the evaluation of heat pumps according to the methodology of the European Heat Pumps Association (EHPA).This also includes the basic conditions for awarding the quality of the European Quality Label for Heat Pumps.

Ing. Ladislav Tintěra

The evaluation of the heating period for the calendar year 2010 is useful for producers and consumers, who work on a January-December regime. It also provides data to energy experts for assessing the operational energy consumption of buildings. It also provides figures for the controlling of boilers, according the Decree 276/2007 Coll.

Ing. Ladislav Tintěra

Based on the observations made at the Prague-Karlov station, the 2009/2010 heating season was a little shorter, 217 days, and the average temperature was 4.3ºC, slightly cooler than the long-term average. The basic characteristic necessary for heating is 3187 dº (19) degree days, so the needs for heating were slightly lower than the long term average.

Jan Blažíček

The article deals with price comparing of the electric energy suppliers in the regions of the Czech Republic. The graphs in the example shows the difference of the prices for tariff rates D02d and D56d.

Jan Blažíček, redakce

The article deals with price comparing of the natural gas suppliers in the regions of the Czech Republic. It is clearly shown in the graphs how to save financial costs with the change of the supplier of natural gas - from the expensive to the cheaper one.

přirozené větrání TZB-info
Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

Natural ventilation is the usual mode of ventilation of residential buildings. There is no fan. People think, this system has no energy requirements, but continuous air flow causes heat loss by ventilation. This energy consumption is higher then energy for controlled forced ventilation.

RNDr. Jiří Svoboda, DSc., Ústav fyziky materiálů, Akademie věd ČR

Author raises discussion and proposed changes in the rules of the energy audit. Draws attention to the criteria for evaluating alternatives and to small requirements for variability solutions. Read controversy of the author and reviewer who considers the methodology as sufficient and sees a problem in processing audits.

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