Lifts (or elevators) are transport machines designed for vertical transport of persons and material in buildings. Taking into consideration the global systemisation of transport and handling machinery, lifts are belonging to the category of hoisting machines that are creating a wider sub-group of the whole system of transport and handling machines. There is known also a special category of electrically driven lifts. It is the category of lifts equipped by a chain, which is acting as tensile means instead of the steel wire ropes. This type of lift is equipped with platforms or cabs attached to a pair of continuously moving chains. These chains are running collaterally around the upper and bottom terminal chain wheels. Such lift doesn’t stop at each floor, but passengers are entering and getting out while a lift is moving. This sort of lift is called popularly “paternoster”. Despite of indisputable technically-operational advantages of the constantly moving lifts, it is necessary to find their era ending because they are considered to be dangerous in a majority of the EU-member countries. The “paternosters” are not able to fulfil principal requirements of the universal design, i.e. design, which is applicable for all people without limitations.
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