ČSN P CEN/TS 12101-11 Zařízení pro usměrňování pohybu kouře a tepla - Část 11: Větrací systémy s nuceným horizontálním prouděním pro uzavřená parkovištěNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN P CEN/TS 12101-11 (38 9700)
This document gives minimum design, installation and commissioning requirements for powered smoke and heat control systems for enclosed car parks using horizontal flow powered ventilation, with or without sprinkler protection, on one or more levels, for cars and light commercial vehicles (max 3,5 t), to reach the design objectives outlined in this document. This document is applicable for car parks with vehicles powered by petrol, diesel, electricity, CNG or LPG. NOTE 1 - For the purpose of this document for smoke ventilation systems, it is assumed that cars powered by electricity, CNG (compressed natural gas) or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) will have similar HRR to vehicles powered by petrol or diesel. NOTE 2 - Cars powered by hydrogen are not covered by this document. This document only covers traditional car parks that are with cars parked alongside each other, with common car access lanes. It does not cover other forms of car parking systems, such as stacking systems. This document does not cover requirements for day-to-day ventilation. Any other risks than fire from cars are not covered by this document.