ČSN EN ISO 9241-110 Ergonomie interakce člověk-systém - Část 110: Zásady interakceúvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN ISO 9241-110
This document describes principles for interaction between a user and a system that are formulated in general terms (i.e. independent of situations of use, application, environment or technology). This document provides a framework for applying those interaction principles and the general design recommendations for interactive systems. While this document is applicable to all types of interactive systems, it does not cover the specifics of every application domain (e.g. safety critical systems, collaborative work, artificial intelligence features). It is intended for the following audiences: - analysts of requirements (including market requirements, user requirements, and system requirements); - designers of user interface development tools and style guides to be used by user interface designers and developers; - designers of user interfaces who will apply the guidance during the design activities (either directly, based on training, or by using tools and style guides which incorporate the guidance); - developers who will apply the guidance during the development process; - evaluators who are responsible for ensuring that products meet the general design recommendations contained in this document; - buyers who will reference this document in contracts during product procurement. This document focuses on interaction principles related to the design of interactions between user and interactive system. ISO 9241-112 provides further guidance on the presentation of information. This document does not consider any other aspect of design such as marketing, aesthetics and corporate identity.