ČSN EN ISO 6141 Analýza plynů - Obsah osvědčení pro kalibrační plynné směsi úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
This International Standard specifies minimum requirements for the contents of certificates for homogeneous gas mixtures in gas cylinders to be used as calibration gas mixtures. Pure gases, when used as calibration gas mixtures, are also covered by this International Standard. Gases and gas mixtures produced for other purposes are not considered. The requirements in this International Standard deal with the metrological aspects of calibration gas mixtures. Other aspects, such as safety and legislative aspects, are not covered. Furthermore, it specifies additional information (optional data) recommended for describing a homogeneous gas mixture, supplied under pressure in a cylinder or other container. It does not cover the field of safety-relevant data and related labelling.
| Změny: | Označení:
| A1 | Typ: | vyhlášená změna | Vydána: | 1.8.2020 | Věstník: | 8/2020 | Účinnost od: | 1.9.2020 | Způsob převzetí: | oznámením ve věstníku | Počet stran: | 16 | Orientační cena: | 211 Kč | Formát PDF: | CPDF - Character PDF (norma je plnotextová) | Velikost PDF: | 913 kB | zobrazit detail ÚNMZ | |