ČSN EN ISO 22975-2 Solární energie - Části a materiály kolektorů - Část 2: Tepelné trubice pro solární tepelné aplikace - Trvanlivost a vlastnosti úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 22975-2
This standard specifies definitions and test methods for materials, durability and performance of evacuated tubes. This standards is applicable to all types of evacuated tubes. This standard specifies definitions and test methods for durability and performance of heat-pipes for solar thermal application. This part standard is applicable to heat-pipes for use with evacuated tubes, including glass-metal sealed evacuated tubes and double-glass evacuated tubes, as well as with flat plate collectors. This part of standard provides test methods for determining durability of the heat-pipe, including high temperature resistance and freeze resistance. This part of standard also provides test methods for measuring performance of the heat-pipe, including starting temperature, temperature uniformity and heat transfer power of the heat-pipe. This part of standard is only applicable to gravity heat-pipes.