ČSN EN ISO 16739-1 Datový formát lndustry Foundation Classes (IFC) pro sdílení dat ve stavebnictví a ve facility managementu - Část 1: Datové schémaNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN ISO 16739-1
This document includes definitions that cover data required for buildings over their life cycle. The Industry Foundation Classes specify a data schema and an exchange file format structure. The data schema is defined in EXPRESS data specification language, defined in ISO 10303-11, XML Schema definition language (XSD), defined in XML Schema W3C Recommendation, whereas the EXPRESS schema definition is the source and the XML schema definition is generated from the EXPRESS schema according to the mapping rules defined in ISO 10303-28. The exchange file formats for exchanging and sharing data according to the conceptual schema are Clear text encoding of the exchange structure, defined in ISO 10303-21, Extensible Markup Language (XML), defined in XML W3C Recommendation.