ČSN EN ISO 11296-9 Plastové potrubní systémy pro renovace beztlakových kanalizačních přípojek a stokových sítí uložených v zemi - Část 9: Vyvložkování s pevně ukotvenou plastovo vnitřní vrstvouNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN ISO 11296-9
This document, in conjunction with ISO 11296-1, specifies the requirements and test methods for pipes and fittings for the renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks by lining with a single rigid annulus of structural cementitious grout formed behind a plastics inner layer. This plastics layer serves as permanent formwork anchored to the grout. This document is applicable to plastics inner layers and grout systems with or without steel reinforcement. It does not apply to the structural design of the lining system. NOTE - Systems with multiple annuli are available, but these are controlled by patent rights and not covered by this document.