ČSN EN IEC 62862-3-2 Solární tepelné elektrárny - Část 3-2: Systémy a součásti - Obecné požadavky a zkušební metody pro velké parabolické žlabové kolektory úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN IEC 62862-3-2
This part of IEC 62862 specifies the requirements and the test methods for the characterization of a large-size parabolic-trough collector. This document covers the determination of optical and thermal performance of parabolic-trough collectors, and the tracking accuracy of the collector one-axis tracking system. This test method is for outdoor testing only. This document applies to parabolic-trough collectors equipped with the manufacturer-supplied sun tracking mechanism. The test method in this document does not apply to any collector under operating conditions where phase-change of the fluid occurs. This document applies to the whole collector.