ČSN EN IEC 62788-1-7 Měřicí postupy pro materiály používané ve fotovoltaických modulech - Část 1-7: Zapouzdřovací materiály - Zkušební postup pro zkoušky optické trvanlivosti úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN IEC 62788-1-7
IEC 61215-2 provides a set of qualification tests that indicate that a PV module design is likely to be free of flaws that will result in early failure. However, IEC 61215-2 does not address the long term wear-out of PV modules. This part of IEC 62788-1 is designed as a more rigorous qualification test, using accelerated UV exposure at elevated temperature to determine whether polymeric encapsulants can suffer loss of optical transmittance. IEC 61215-2 already includes a UV preconditioning test (MQT 10), however, the parameters for that test only represent a limited level of exposure (~weeks of UV dose).