ČSN EN IEC 60695-1-12 Zkoušení požárního nebezpečí - Část 1-12: Návod k posuzování požárního nebezpečí u elektrotechnických výrobků - Požární bezpečnost úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 60695-1-12
This part of IEC 60695 is intended as a general guideline for IEC Product Committees and provides: - an explanation of the principles and uses of fire safety engineering; - guidance on the use of fire safety engineering in the design of electrotechnical products; - fire safety engineering terminology, and concepts; - an indication of properties, data and tests needed for input into fire safety engineering assessments; - informative references. This international standard is not intended to be a detailed technical design guide, but is intended to provide guidance for product committees on fire safety engineering methods and performance based test information needs for use in performance based designs and fire hazard assessments of electrotechnical materials, assemblies, products and systems. More detailed information on fire safety engineering is contained in the ISO/TR 13387 series of documents (see Clause 2 and [1] to [6]) and in ISO 23932.