ČSN EN 81-77 ed. 2 Bezpečnostní předpisy pro konstrukci a montáž výtahů - Zvláštní použití výtahů pro dopravu osob a osob a nákladů - Část 77: Výtahy vystavené seizmickým podmínkám úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 81-77
This document specifies the additional special provisions and safety rules for passenger and goods passenger lifts where these lifts are installed in buildings and constructions (hereinafter buildings) intended to withstand seismic events in compliance with EN 1998 1:2004 (Eurocode 8), during use, maintenance, inspection and emergency operation of lifts. The aim of this document is to: - avoid loss of life and reduce the extent of injuries; - avoid people getting trapped in the lift; - avoid damage; - avoid environmental problems related to oil leakage; - reduce the number of lifts out of service. This document does not introduce any specific provisions and safety rules for lifts when ad <= 1 m/s2 as defined in Annex A. This document does not address other risks due to seismic events (e.g. fire, flood, explosion). This document is not applicable to lifts installed before the date of its publication.