ČSN EN 61400-13 Větrné elektrárny - Část 13: Měření mechanických zatížení úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 61400-13
This part of the IEC 61400 describes the measurement of fundamental structural loads on wind turbines for the purpose of the load simulation model validation. The standard prescribes the requirements and recommendations for site selection, signal selection, data acquisition, calibration, data verification, measurement load cases, capture matrix, post-processing, uncertainty determination and reporting. Informative annexes are also provided to improve understanding of testing methods. The methods described in this document can also be used for mechanical loads measurements for other purposes such as obtaining a measured statistical representation of loads, direct measurements of the design loads, safety and function testing, or measurement of component loads. If these methods are used for an alternative objective or used for an unconventional wind turbine design, the required signals, measurement load cases, capture matrix, and post processing methods should be evaluated and if needed adjusted to fit the objective. These methods are intended for onshore electricity-generating, horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) with rotor swept areas of larger than 200 m2. However, the methods described may be applicable to other wind turbines (for example, small wind turbines, ducted wind turbines, vertical axis wind turbines).
| Změny: | Označení:
| A1 | Typ: | vyhlášená změna | Vydána: | 1.7.2022 | Věstník: | 7/2022 | Účinnost od: | 1.8.2022 | Způsob převzetí: | oznámením ve věstníku | Počet stran: | 20 | Orientační cena: | 211 Kč | Formát PDF: | CPDF - Character PDF (norma je plnotextová) | Velikost PDF: | 1527 kB | zobrazit detail ÚNMZ | |