ČSN EN 50156-2 Elektrické zařízení pro kotle a pomocná zařízení - Část 2: Požadavky na navrhování, vývoj a typové schvalování bezpečnostních přístrojů a podsystémů úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 50156-2
This part of EN 50156 applies to the requirements for design, development and approval of safety-relevant equipment for the safety related system for furnaces that are operated with solid, liquid or gaseous fuels and their ancillary equipment. This part of EN 50156 specifies the requirements for safety-related equipment that is necessary to meet the safety conditions of furnaces, to reduce the hazards of combustion and to protect the heated systems from damage e.g. by overheating. Subsystems and devices of other technologies, which are part of the safety-related system (see EN 50156 1:2015, 3.38), are covered by this part of EN 50156. This part of EN 50156 sets out special requirements for design, development and approval of safety devices and subsystems to satisfy the requirements of EN 50156 1:2015, Clause 10 "Additional requirements for the application of a safety-related system".