ČSN EN 338 Konstrukční dřevo - Třídy pevnosti úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 338
This European Standard establishes a system of strength classes for general use in design codes. It gives characteristic strength and stiffness properties and density values for each class to which EN 14081 1 refers. This standard is applicable to all softwood and hardwood timber for structural use, within the scope of EN 14081-1. Compared to EN 338:2009, the following modifications have been made: - new table of strength classes for softwood species based on tension tests; - extension with new classes in the table of strength classes for hardwood species based on edgewise bending tests; - modification of some characteristic values for strength, stiffness and density; - equations to determine the characteristic values of other strength properties from the grade determining properties has been transferred to EN 384.