ČSN EN 303-2 Kotle pro ústřední vytápění - Část 2: Kotle pro ústřední vytápění s hořáky s ventilátorem - Zvláštní požadavky na kotle s rozprašovacími hořáky na kapalná paliva úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 303-2
This European Standard is applicable to boilers used for central heating in accordance with EN 303 1:2017 up to a nominal heat output of 1 000 kW and EN 303 4 up to a nominal heat output of 70 kW with forced draught burners in accordance with EN 267 that are designed for operating with liquid fuels. The performance requirements of this standard apply to type testing to heating boilers (standard, low temperature and condensing boilers) which are tested on a test rig in accordance with the test code given in EN 304. This standard applies also to room sealed boilers as defined in EN 15035 regarding efficiency and emissions. This standard can also be used as the basis for evaluation of boiler-/burner units.