ČSN EN 246 Zdravotnětechnické armatury - Všeobecné podmínky pro usměrňovače prouduNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 246
This document specifies: - the dimensional, mechanical, hydraulic and acoustic characteristics with which sanitary tapware aerators (with and without flow regulation) should comply; - the procedures for testing these characteristics. This document is applicable to: - Sanitary tapware aerators intended to be mounted on tapware used with sanitary appliances in toilets, bathrooms and kitchens (e.g. single taps, combination tap assemblies, mechanical mixing valves, thermostatic mixing valves); - Sanitary tapware aerators used under the following pressure and temperature conditions (see Table 1). Table 1 - Conditions for the use of aerators Limits of use Recommended limits for correct operation Dynamic Pressure 0,05 MPa <= P <= 0,5 MPa 0,1 MPa <= P <= 0,5 MPa (0,5 bar <= P <= 5 bar) (1 bar <= P <= 5 bar) Temperature <= 70 °C <= 65 °C