ČSN EN 196-3 Metody zkoušení cementu - Část 3: Stanovení dob tuhnutí a objemové stálostiNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 196-3
This European Standard specifies the methods for determining standard consistence, setting times and soundness of cements. The method applies to common cements and to other cements and materials, the standards for which call up this method. It may not apply to other cement types that have, for example, a very short initial setting time. The method is used for assessing whether the setting time and soundness of a cement is in conformity with its specification. This part of EN 196 describes the reference methods and allows the use of alternative procedures and equipment, as indicated in notes, provided that they have been calibrated against the reference methods. In the event of a dispute, only the reference equipment and procedures are used.