ČSN EN 17669 Energetické služby se zárukou - Minimální požadavkyNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 17669
This document specifies the minimum requirements for Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs). The energy performance improvement actions (EPIAs) are intended to achieve a guaranteed level of energy efficiency improvement and other agreed energy performance related criteria irrespective of the quantity, use, or types of energy consumed. This document is applicable to EPIA(s) on existing assets. The requirements are set in order to provide: - transparency throughout the whole process of establishing an EPC, - cost effectiveness in relation to the benefits generated by the EPIA, - a quality assurance, risk mitigation, and risk allocation toolkit, - material information necessary for financial and technical calculations for both the beneficiary and the energy service provider. The document is applicable to energy service providers and beneficiaries regardless of their type, size, complexity, or geographical location. This document may be used by financial institutions and other stakeholders of the process.