ČSN EN 17332 Stavební výrobky - Posuzování uvolňování nebezpečných látek - Analýza organických látek v eluátech úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 17332
This document specifies methods for the determination of specific organic substances in aqueous eluates from leaching of construction products. The following parameters are covered: pH, electrical conductivity, biocides, bisphenol A, BTEX, dioxins and furans, DOC, epichlorohydrin, mineral oil, nonylphenols, PAH, PBDE, PCB, dioxin-like PCB, PCP, phenols and phthalates. The methods in this document come from different fields, mainly the analysis of water, and are applicable for the eluates from construction products. They are validated for eluates of the product types listed in Annex A (informative). The selection of the method to be applied is based on the product matrix and the required sensitivity.