ČSN EN 17331 Stavební výrobky - Posuzování uvolňování nebezpečných látek - Obsah organických látek - Metody extrakce a analýzy úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 17331
This document specifies analytical methods for the determination of the content of specific organic substances in construction products. The following parameters are covered: BTEX, biocides, dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs, mineral oil, nonylphenols, PAH, PCB, PCP, PBDE, and short-chain chlorinated paraffins. The methods listed in this document come from different fields and are expected to be suitable for organic substances in organic extracts from all types of constructions products. The methods in this document are validated for the product types listed in Annex A (informative).