ČSN EN 17255-2 Stacionární zdroje emisí - Systémy pro sběr a zpracování dat - Část 2: Specifikace požadavků na systémy sběru a zpracování dat úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 17255-2
This document specifies the performance requirements on data acquisition and handling systems (DAHS) regarding implementation of the procedures defined in EN 17255-1 including - data acquisition; - data processing; - data storage; - data output; - generation of reports; - system functions; - data integrity; - documentation. This document supports the requirements of EN 14181 and legislation such as the IED and E-PRTR. It does not preclude the use of additional features and functions provided the minimum requirements of this document are met and that these features do not adversely affect data quality, clarity or access.