ČSN EN 16836-3 Komunikační systémy pro měřidla - Bezdrátová síť pro výměnu měřených dat - Část 3: Specifikace energetického profilu aplikačních vrstevNORMA JE ZRUŠENA úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 16836-3
This European Standard specifies requirements for the dedicated application layer of a communication protocol for the exchange of data from metering devices to other devices within a mesh network. This standard makes reference to a number of documents whereby core requirements are specified. This referencing is in compliance with the Bridge Consortium and additionally the Memorandum of Understanding between the ZigBee Alliance and CEN/CENELEC. The EN 16836 series represents a feature subset of a larger standard and as such not all of the features specified in the referenced documents are specified in this standard, due to some features being outside the scope of CEN/TC 294. Where this is the case the out of scope feature has either been omitted or specified as excluded.