ČSN EN 16798-15 Energetická náročnost budov - Větrání budov - Část 15: Výpočet chladicích systémů (Modul M4-7) - AkumulaceNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 16798-15
This European Standard covers the calculation of the operational parameters and the energy consumption of cooling generation systems. The cooling generation consists of: - cooling generators like compression and absorption chillers; - other (generic) generator types such as ground or surface water or direct use of ground heat from boreholes; and - different types of heat rejection (dry, wet, hybrid with outdoor air, other sink types). The methods cover: - the possibility of heat recovery of heat to be rejected for the use of heating and/or domestic hot water production, through the use of an interface to the M3-1 standard; and - a multi generator calculation. The document does not cover the cooling emission, distribution and storage systems, which are covered by the Module M4-5, M4-6 and M4-7 standards, respectively. It is directly connected to the general part of the cooling systems, the M4-1 standard. Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000 1:2017. NOTE 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying Technical Reports that are published or in preparation. NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1. Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000 1. NOTE 3 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation. NOTE 4 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard may cover more than one module and one module may be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.