ČSN EN 16760 Produkty z biologického materiálu - Posuzování životního cyklu úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 16760
This European Standard provides specific life cycle assessment (LCA) requirements and guidance for bio-based products, excluding food, feed and energy, based on EN ISO 14040 and EN ISO 14044. This European Standard covers bio-based products, derived wholly or partly from biomass. This European Standard provides guidance and requirements to assess impact over the life cycle of bio-based products with the focus on how to handle the specificities of the bio-based part of the product. The applications of LCA as such are outside the scope of this European Standard. Clarifications, considerations, practices, simplifications and options for the different applications, are also beyond the scope of this European Standard. In addition, this European Standard may be applied in studies that do not cover the whole life cycle, with justification e.g. in the case of business-to-business information, such as cradle-to-gate studies, gate-to-gate studies, and specific parts of the life cycle (e.g. waste management, components of a product).
| Opravy: | Označení:
| 1 | Typ: | vyhlášená oprava | Vydána: | 1.7.2019 | Věstník: | 7/2019 | Účinnost od: | 1.8.2019 | Způsob převzetí: | oznámením ve věstníku | Počet stran: | 2 | Formát PDF: | CPDF - Character PDF (norma je plnotextová) | Velikost PDF: | 119 kB | zobrazit detail ÚNMZ | |