ČSN EN 16647 Krby na kapalná paliva - Dekorativní spotřebiče vytvářející plamen s použitím paliva na bázi alkoholu nebo želatinového paliva - Použití v domácnostech úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 16647
This European Standard applies for decorative fireplaces/appliances for domestic use, producing a flame using alcohol, hereafter referred to as fuel, in liquid or gelatinous fuel for decoration. NOTE 1: The requirements are strictly applied even when used in other areas. Outside the private household and outdoor area can apply more or different rules on the use of the appliances. This European Standard applies to free-standing, wall-mounted and built-in appliances with a maximum power output of 4,5 kW. This European Standard applies for appliances ready for use, whose burner is of one unit or are an integral component of the appliances but not for appliances with a fuel tank separate from the appliance. This European Standard does not apply for appliances specifically designed for heating food or keeping food warm (rechauds), as well as for appliances for use in boats, caravans, other vehicles or outdoor areas. This European Standard does not apply for appliances with a power output higher than 4,5 kW or with a defined heating function. NOTE 2: National regulation may restrict the power output to less than 4,5 kW.