ČSN EN 16573 Větrání budov - Zkoušení vlastností prvků obytných budov - Multifunkční větrací jednotky pro samostatné rodinné domy, obsahující tepelná čerpadla úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 16573
This European Standard specifies the laboratory test methods and test requirements for aerodynamic, energy rating and acoustic performance, of multifunctional balanced units intended for use in a single dwelling. In the case of units consisting of several parts, this standard applies only to those designed and supplied as a complete package with the mount instructions. It covers units that contain at least, within one or more casing: - supply and exhaust air fans; - air filters - common control system; and one or more of the additional components: - air to water heat pump; - air to air heat pump; - air-to-air heat exchanger. Units including only an air to air heat exchanger and/or an exhaust air to supply air heat pump are covered by EN 13141-7. A non-exhaustive list of possible configurations of multifunctional units covered by this standard is given in Clause 5. The standard does not cover the thermal aspects of humidity transfer in the air-to-air heat exchanger. This standard does not deal with non-ducted units on supply and extract air side. This standard does not deal with collective units (centralized or semi-centralized systems) These multifunctional balanced units can be connected to ground heat exchanger for air preheating, solar collector or other heating systems. This standard does not cover the testing with these additional components. This standard does not cover units including combustion engine driven compression heat pumps and sorption heat pump.