ČSN EN 1630 Dveře, okna, lehké obvodové pláště, mříže a okenice - Odolnost proti vloupání - Zkušební metoda pro stanovení odolnosti proti manuálním pokusům o vloupáníNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 1630
This document specifies a test method for the determination of resistance to manual burglary attempts in order to assess the burglar resistant characteristics of pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters. It is applicable to the following opening functions: turning, tilting, folding, turn-tilting, top or bottom hung, sliding (horizontally and vertically), pivoted (horizontally and vertically), projecting, and rolling as well as non-openable constructions. This document does not directly cover the resistance of locks and cylinders to attack with picking tools. It also does not cover the attack of electric, electronic and electromagnetic operated burglar resistant construction products using surreptitious attack methods that might defeat these characteristics. It is acknowledged that there are two aspects to the burglar resistance performance of construction products, their normal resistance to forced operation and their ability to remain fixed to the building. This test method does not evaluate the performance of the fixing to the building. The manufacturer's installation instructions will give guidance on the fixing of the product. An example for the contents of the manufacturer's installation instructions is given in EN 1627:2021, Annex A. This document does not apply to walls and roofs, as well as for doors, gates and barriers, intended for installation in areas in the reach of persons, and for which the main intended uses are giving safe access for goods and vehicles accompanied or driven by persons in industrial, commercial or residential premises, as covered by EN 13241:2003+A2:2016.
 | Název anglicky: | Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance - Test method for the determination of resistance to manual burglary attempts | Třídicí znak: | 746004 | Schválena: | 8.9.2021 | Vydána: | 1.11.2021 | Účinnost od: | 1.12.2021 | Platnost ukončena: | 1.4.2022 | Způsob převzetí: | oznámením ve věstníku | Počet stran: | 52 | Orientační cena: | 525 Kč | Formát PDF: | CPDF - Character PDF (norma je plnotextová) | Velikost PDF: | 16902 kB | Druh: | ČSN | Vydavatel: | Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví | zobrazit detail normy na stránkách vydavatele |