ČSN EN 16147 Tepelná čerpadla s elektricky poháněnými kompresory - Zkoušení, hodnocení výkonnosti a požadavky na značení jednotek pro teplou užitkovou voduNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 16147
This European Standard specifies methods for testing, rating of performance and calculation of water heating energy efficiency of air/water, brine/water, water/water and direct exchange/water heat pump water heaters and heat pump combination heaters with electrically driven compressors and connected to or including a domestic hot water storage tank for domestic hot water production. This European Standard comprises only the testing procedure for the domestic hot water production of the heat pump system. NOTE 1: Testing procedures for simultaneous operation for domestic hot water production and space heating are not treated in this standard. Simultaneous means that domestic hot water production and space heating generation occur at the same time and may interact. NOTE 2: For heat pump combination heaters the seasonal efficiency of space heating is determined according to EN 14825. This European Standard only applies to water heaters which are supplied in a package of heat pump and storage tank. In the case of water heaters consisting of several parts with refrigerant connections, this European Standard applies only to those designed and supplied as a complete package. This European Standard does not specify requirements of the quality of the used water.