ČSN EN 1610 Provádění stok a kanalizačních přípojek a jejich zkoušeníNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 1610
This European Standard is applicable to the construction and related testing of drains and sewers usually buried in the ground and usually operating under gravity but up to 0,5 kPa when surcharged. The construction of pipelines operating under pressure is covered by this European Standard together with EN 805 as appropriate (e.g. for testing). This European Standard is applicable to drains and sewers installed in trenches, under embankments or above ground. For trenchless construction EN 12889 applies. Additionally, other local or national regulations may apply, e.g. concerning health and safety, pavement reinstatement and requirements for tightness testing.