ČSN EN 15882-5 Rozšířená aplikace výsledků zkoušek požární odolnosti provozních instalací - Část 5: Kombinovaná těsnění prostupůNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 15882-5 (73 0856)
The purpose of this document is to provide the principles and guidance for the preparation of extended application documents for combined penetration seals where the systems were tested in accordance with (EN 1366 3 and EN 1366 1) or (EN 1366 3 and EN 1366 2). The field of the extended application document is additional to the direct field of application given within EN 1366 1, EN 1366 2 and EN 1366 3 and can be applied on a number of tests from each standard, which provide the relevant information for the formulation of an extended application. This EXAP is intended to allow the penetration sealing of more than one service (e.g. cables, pipes, conduits) and four-sided fire resisting ducts (ventilation ducts) or fire dampers in the same penetration. This EXAP is not used for extended applications in accordance with EN 1366 8, EN 1366 10 and/or EN 1366 12 (this will be dealt with in the next revision of the standard).