ČSN EN 1420 Vliv organických materiálů na vodu určenou k lidské spotřebě - Stanovení pachu a chuti vody v rozvodné trubní sítiNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 1420
This European Standard specifies a procedure for obtaining a migration water to determine odour and flavour for products made from organic materials intended to come in contact with water for human consumption (drinking water) and used in piping systems. Such products include pipes, fittings, ancillaries and coatings. This standard is applicable to products to be used under various conditions for the transport, storage and distribution of water intended for human consumption and raw water used for the manufacture of water intended for human consumption. This standard specifies a test method comprising of a set of procedures. The use may be dependent on the relevant national regulations and/or the system or product standards.