ČSN EN 13284-2 Stacionární zdroje emisí - Stanovení nízkých hmotnostních koncentrací prachu - Část 2: Prokazování kvality automatizovaných měřicích systémů úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 13284-2
This European Standard specifies requirements for the calibration and validation (QAL2), the ongoing quality assurance during operation (QAL3) and the annual surveillance test (AST) of automated measuring systems (AMS) used for monitoring dust emissions from stationary sources to demonstrate compliance with emission limit values (ELV) below 50 mg/m3 at standard conditions. It specifically deals with measurements in wet gases and at low concentrations. This document is derived from EN 14181 and is only applicable in conjunction with EN 14181. This document is applicable by direct correlation with the standard reference method (SRM) described in EN 13284 1.