ČSN EN 13084-9 Volně stojící komíny - Část 9: Správa po dobu životnosti - Monitorování, kontrola, údržba, náprava a hlášení; Požadované operace a akceNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 13084-9
This document covers the general requirements and the basic criteria for lifetime management of all kinds of free-standing chimneys, comprising monitoring, inspection, maintenance, repair, reporting, and necessary actions and procedures. This document applies to any windshield, single stack, tower, mast and liner covered by the EN 13084 series. The Lifetime management considers the original structural and operating design of the structurally independent chimneys under operational conditions and other actions to verify that mechanical resistance and stability and safety in use are continued at the designed for level as expected and/or adapted to changes in the operational requirements of the structure and/or its environment.