ČSN EN 12952-16 Vodotrubné kotle a pomocná zařízení - Část 16: Požadavky na soustavy pro spalování na roštu nebo ve fluidní vrstvě pro kotle na pevná palivaNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 12952-16
This document applies to atmospheric fluidized-bed and grate firing systems of steam boilers and hot water generators. These systems commence at the fuel bunkers and end at the ash extraction plant. For combination of various firing systems, the individual requirements of each system apply, especially those included in EN 12952-8:2022 and EN 12952-9:2022. If several fuels are burnt simultaneously or if a fuel quality varies considerably (e.g. moisture content), additional safety measures can be necessary, especially with respect to limitation of the fuel flow into the firing system and ensuring proper air supply to the individual fuels. Pressurized firing systems can require enhanced safety measures, which are not given in this European Standard.