ČSN EN 12845-3 Stabilní hasicí zařízení - Sprinklerová zařízení - Část 3: Pokyny pro ochranu před zemětřesením úvod k normě Zobrazit anotaci
ČSN EN 12845-3 (38 9211)
This document specifies requirements for earthquake protection of automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with EN 12845:2015+A1:2019. This document applies only to locations in earthquake zones in accordance with EN 1998 1:2004, 3.2.11 and the Nationally Determined Parameters. NOTE - The requirements in this document are based on the principle that certain peak ground acceleration values are considered as an earthquake which require special means. Attention is drawn to EN 1998 1:20041, where a peak ground acceleration above 0,08 g (0,78 m/s2) is considered an earthquake risk. Additional characteristics, NDP and/or NCI can exist in some countries as well as national annexes. The principles defined in this document can be applicable to other water based fixed manual or automatic fire fighting systems, according to local requirements.