ČSN EN 1253-7 Podlahové vpusti a střešní vtoky - Část 7: Podlahové vpusti se zápachovou uzávěrkou s mechanickým uzávěremNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 1253-7
This document classifies floor gullies for domestic waste water for use inside buildings, gives guidance for places of installation and specifies requirements for the construction, design, performance and marking of factory made gullies for buildings, irrespective of the material, for use in drainage systems requiring a trap with a mechanical closure (referred to as floor gullies). NOTE - Floor gullies with a depth of water seal less than 50 mm are not covered by EN 1253-1, EN 1253-7 and EN 1253-8. These products are intended to be installed where both conditions below are fulfilled: - the building does not exceed a ground-floor and three floors above; - infrequent use could result in a water seal evaporating.