ČSN EN 12259-14 Stabilní hasicí zařízení - Komponenty pro sprinklerová a vodní sprejová zařízení - Část 14: Sprinklery pro použití v obytných objektechNORMA JE ZRUŠENA a nahrazena aktuální normou
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ČSN EN 12259-14 (38 9210)
This document specifies requirements for the construction and performance of residential sprinklers as well as test methods for their type approval, which are operated by a change of state of an element or bursting of a glass bulb under the influence of heat, for use only in automatic sprinkler systems for domestic and residential applications as defined in EN 16925. This document does not cover representative fire and other tests for special sprinklers that are intended to provide for specific fire hazards, nor does it cover fire and other tests for sprinklers for commercial and industrial sprinkler systems as in EN 12845. Those test requirements are covered by EN 12259-1. NOTE 1 - All pressure data in this document are given as gauge pressures in bar. NOTE 2 - Sprinklers according to EN 12259-1 can also be used in residential and domestic applications if the system is designed according to EN 12845.