Valentin Software rozšiřuje vedení
Generálním ředitelem byl jmenován Steffen Lidemann a Patrizia Mataj nyní stojí v čele financí a personálu.
New Leadership Trio
Valentin Software Strengthens Management and Grants Power of Attorney
Valentin Software GmbH has expanded its leadership. Alongside the founder and Managing Director Gerhard Valentin, Steffen Lindemann has been appointed Managing Director. At the same time Patrizia Mataj receives power of attorney for the software company and is in charge of finance and personnel.
Familiar Faces
Both Steffen Lindemann and Patrizia Mataj have worked for some time with Valentin Software. After completing his studies in Energy and Process Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, Mr Lindemann worked for five years as a software developer and project manager at Valentin Software. In 2005 he then moved to Conergy AG in Hamburg. He rose quickly from software developer to team leader and worked across departments as project coordinator. Since 2010, the engineer again brings his experience from project development to Valentin Software, managing the software development department. With his appointment as Managing Director he now heads, together with Gerhard Valentin, the fortunes of the entire company.

Patrizia Mataj started her career at Valentin Software in 2007. The 32-year-old wholesale and foreign trade clerk worked first in sales, then in the personnel department. After completing her studies in business administration and personnel specialist training, Ms Mataj henceforth supports the company’s management in the areas of finance and human resources. In the medium term, she will take over the responsibility for sales and marketing.
Company founder Gerhard Valentin has organized his successors early with these steps. "Mr Lindemann and Ms Mataj will take over the management of the company in the medium term. I am convinced that they will overcome future challenges with flying colors", he comments. The company will continue to be managed according to the Valentin philosophy and will be well prepared for future changes.
Valentin Software GmbH
Stralauer Platz 34
10243 Berlin
Tel.: + 49 (0)30 588 439 – 0
Fax: + 49 (0)30 588 439 – 11
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